Texts and exercises on information science. Мартынов О.В. - 14 стр.



Some of the controls on the monitor change the size and position of
the image. You should set them for the largest image without losing any
part of it.
You can set a screen saver to appear on your monitor screen if the
computer sits idle for a period of time. Screen savers can reduce wear
on your screen. Windows includes a number of screen savers.
The floppy drive
Floppy drives provide a way to pass files to and from the hard drive
or to and from another computer. At Gateway 2000, we install either of
two types of floppy disk drives:
3.5-inch 1.44MB drives, usually drive A;
Combo drives (includes both a 3.5-inch 1.44MB drive and a 5.25-
inch 1.2MB drive, called drive A: and drive B: respectively).
The drives can read and write on floppy diskettes. If you put a
brand new diskette into the drive, the computer cannot read it. You have
to format it first.
The hard drive
Unlike the floppy drive, the hard disk drive is inside the computer's
case and you cannot see it. Usually it is referred to as drive C:. Hard
drives also hold a lot of data. The smallest hard drives Gateway 2000
offers hold more information than 100 floppies! The size of a hard drive
is measured in megabytes, or MB for short.
The CD-ROM drive
The CD-ROM drive installed in your Gateway 2000 computer is
similar to the one(s) you might have in your home or car. It can play
music CDs as well as read software program CDs and the new Kodak
photo CDs.
The amount and variety of material you can access with CD-ROM is
amazing, particularly when you realize that a CD disc holds over 600MB
of data! As far as your computer is concerned, the CD-ROM is just
another hard drive, except that, although you can read from it, you
can't save anything to it.
To operate the drive, press the Eject button to open the tray. Put a
CD in the tray (label side UP!) and gently start to push the tray in. The
motor takes over and pulls the tray the rest of the way in.
You can play ordinary music CDs if your system has speakers or if
you plug earphones into the jack in the front of the drive.
video card - видеокарта
display adapter card - видеоадаптер (системное плато,
генерирующее сигналы для получения изображения на мониторе)
I. Read and translate the text.
II. Answer the following questions:
1. What are the elements of hardware? 2. What is called the system
unit? 3. What are the functions of the case? 4. What is the keyboard used
for? 5. How does the keyboard function? 6. How does the mouse work?
7. What do you have to do with the mouse if you want to start the
programme? 8. What is dragging for? 9. What is the monitor for? 10.
What does the sharpness depend on and how is it called? 11. How are
video images built? 12. What regulations do you have to follow to reduce
eye strain? 13. What is used to reduce wear on the screen? 14. What is
the function of the floppy drive? 15. Why does the computer have to
format a new diskette? 16. Where is hard drive situated and how is it
referred to? 17. What is the CD-rom for?
III. Make all types of questions to the following sentence:
you communicate with your computer with the keyboard.
IV. Give English equivalents:
nехнические средстважелезо»), корпус, обрабатывать
(информацию), клавиша пробела, дистанционное управление,
перетаскивание, состоять из, хранитель экрана, совершенно новая
дискета, устанавливать.
V. Give Russian equivalents:
power supply, to go haywire, specialized key, mouse pad, pointer,
text characters, eye strain, to reduce wear, hard disk drive, softwear, to
save, tray, earphones.
V. Write out five sentences with Present Simple and translate