Texts and exercises on information science. Мартынов О.В. - 12 стр.



4. Когда человек долго ведет машину, возникают две
проблемы: поддерживать постоянную скорость и избегать
столкновения с впереди идущим автомобилем.
5. Эта информация передается на компьютер, который
контролирует скорость.
XII. Give summary of the above text.
Sir Isaac Newton was a supergenius of science who among other
things invented calculus, stated the laws of gravity and optics. But it turned
out Newton also made mistakes. The University of Chicago announced
recently that R. Garusto, 23, a physicist, had discovered in one of Newton's
calculations an error that had been undetected for three centuries.
The young scientist discovered it while he was studying Newton's
masterpiece of physics «Principia» (1687). Newton had derived a figure for
the Earth's mass based on his new theory that a single force - gravity -
governed falling bodies on the Earth and the motion of planets around the
Sun. The calculation depended on the angle between two lines from the
Earth to the Sun, but because that angle was not exactly known at the time,
Newton used slightly different figures in «Principia». It was that mistake that
the young scientist found, was soon confirmed by other physicists. The
mistake has no influence on Newton's theory, but its discovery was enough
to get him a prize from the University of Chicago.
I. Answer the following questions:
1. What is Sir Isaac Newton famous for? 2. What had R. Garusto
discovered? 3. What mistake did Newton make? 4. Has the mistake any
influence on Newton’s theory?
II. Translate the text
III. Read the following computer terms, give their Russian
equivalents and translate the sentences.
1. Hardware means the different types of equipment a computer
consists of.
2. A computer's hardware comprises a central processing unit
(CPU) which is the heart and brain of the computer.
3. Input and output devices capable of putting information into a
computer and getting it out of it are types of peripheral equipment.
Peripherals are the units connected to the CPU: input devices,
output devices and storage devices.
4. The simplest and most common type of input device is a
keyboard, containing a typewriter keyboard.
5. A laser printer is a kind of output device to print information.
6. Software means the programmes needed to operate computer
7. These programmes are on disks, the hard disks inside the
computer, or floppy disks, or on CD-ROMs, that is, Compact
Disk Read Only Memory, which you can put on or store a large
amount of information. A disk is a storage device made of flat
circular plates with magnetizable surfaces. A hard disk is a disk made
from a solid magnetic material and used as a storage device. A floppy
disk (also called diskette) is a disk made of flexible plastic material
upon which data are stored on magnetic tracks. Tracks are areas
marked on the surface of a disk. A disk drive is the electronic
mechanism that actually reads what is on a disk. In hard disks, the
disk and the drive are built into a single unit.
8. A word processor is a computer used to write documents,
letters and reports, or the software that is used for this purpose.
9. Databases are programmes, which allow you to store, look at
or change a large quantity of information quickly and easily.
10. Graphics are pictures and symbols a computer program can
11. An extra copy on a floppy disk is called a back-up copy, a
copy of data or software, usually kept in case the original disk is
damaged or destroyed.
12. A bug possible in a computer operation, also a virus is a
software problem or error in a program. Debugging means correcting
programme errors or bugs.
13. People send e-mail (electronic mail) messages with the help of
the Internet, a system that lets computers connect by telephone lines.
A laptop is a portable computer weighing about 2-4 kg.
14. With a device called the mouse you can do a number of
things by clicking on different icons.
15. A mouse is a small input device, on the top of which there
are one or more buttons for communicating with the computer.
16. Clicking is a basic mouse action to place a cursor to close a
window, etc.