Texts and exercises on information science. Мартынов О.В. - 11 стр.



control of these two problems.
IV. Give English equivalents:
счетная машина, эффективный, запоминать, мгновение,
связывать с, преимущество, интересоваться, бурный рост знаний,
постоянный, замерять расстояние.
V. Give Russian equivalents:
to be used extensively, great amount of information, scholar, to be
developed, to be run, to keep constant, a beam of light, to be fed.
VI. Write out five sentences with the Passive Voice and translate
VII. Match up:
to enable ................................the knowledge explosion
calculating.............................the speed constant
complicated ...................... by computers
to store ................................ machine
to do ..................................... descendants
to deal with ......................... to measure
to be run .................................calculations
to keep ................................. great amount of information
VIII. Put the verbs into the correct tense form and find the
correct answer to the questions:
1. When (to invent) Ch. Babbage the first calculating machine?
a) In 1912.
b) In 1812.
c) In 1712.
2. What (to be) done with the help of computers?
a) Almost nothing.
b) Almost something.
c) Almost everything.
3. What (can) computers do better?
a) Read and write.
b) Store information and do calculations.
c) Understand and solve problems.
4. What systems (to be developed) nowadays?
a) To translate articles from foreign magazines.
b) To read articles from foreign magazines.
c) To write articles in foreign magazines.
5. How (can) a computer help the driver?
a) To keep the driver awake.
b) To control the speed and the distance.
c) To help the driver have a rest.
IX. Fill in the blanks:
being developed, calculations, more and more extensively, associate,
1. It is an … to find a book nowadays when there are millions of
them published every year.
2. Computers are being used … in the world today.
3. They can do … in a fraction of the time required by a human
4. Many people … computers with the world of science and
5. There are also systems which are … to translate articles from
foreign magazines by computer.
X. Translate:
1. When Ch. Babbage, a professor of mathematics at Cambridge
University, invented the first calculating machine in 1812, he could hardly
have imagined the situations we find ourselves in today.
2. They can control machines at factories, work out tomorrow's
weather and even play chess, write poetry or compose music.
3. Computer can help us to deal with the knowledge explosion in
many ways.
4. Engineers are now experimenting with a system which has a
computer control of these two problems.
5. Engineers are now experimenting with a system which has a
computer control of these two problems.
XI. Translate:
1. Почти все в современном мире совершается при помощи
2. Фактически, компьютеры могут делать многое из того, что
делаем мы, но
быстрее и лучше.
3. Можно представить время, когда библиотеки будут
управляться компьютерами без участия человека.