Texts and exercises on information science. Мартынов О.В. - 17 стр.



It is found that optical technology is cost-effective and versatile.
It finds new applications every day - from connecting communication
equipment or computers within the same building or room to long-
distance transcontinental, transoceanic and space communications.
I. Read and translate the text.
II. Answer the following questions:
1. Which is one of the most interesting developments in
telecommunication nowadays? 2. What does optical communication promise?
3. What are the capabilities of optical fibers? 4. What are the perspectives of
optical fibers? 5. Why is the system developing rapidly now? 6. What are the
advantages of using compact discs? 7. How much information can a DVD-
ROM hold? 8. Where can optical technology be used?
III. Make all types of questions to the following sentence:
the first digital optical disks were produced in 1982 as compact disks
for music.
IV. Give English equivalents:
обычные телефонные провода и кабели, цифровые технологии,
надежность, объединять в одно целое, проводник световых волн,
усиление, устанавливать, развивать, представлять собой, оптико-
электронный компьютер, рентабельный,
V. Give Russian equivalents:
capacity, computer data, transmitting information, ultra-thin silicon
fibres, incredible transparency, regeneration, optical disk technology,
coated, database, multimedia software, rewritable drive, cost-effective,
VI. Match up:
optical ........................................conductors
conventional .............................. bubbles
silicon........................................... medium
lightwave .................................... communication
storage ......................................... software
to imprint ................................... telephone wires and cables
multimedia................................... fibres
VII. Put the verbs into the correct tense form:
a. In the nearest future digital communication network (to allow)
to process and transmit voice, computer data and video images.
b. Invention of the laser and thin silicon fibres (to make) it
possible to transmit pulses of light without amplification and
c. New high-capacity optical transmission systems (to operate)
between many major US cities.
d. Another revolution (to concern) optical disk technology.
e. An optical disk (to be) capable of storing about 1000 times more
information than a plastic disk of the same size.
VIII. Fill in the blanks:
1.7 gigabits, digital communication network, cost-effective and
versatile, high-capacity optical transmission systems, transistor, digital
technologies, coated, information storage.
1. Just as … greatly improved the telephone system, optical
communication promises a considerable increase in capacity, quality,
performance and reliability.
2. Voice, computer data, even video images, will be increasingly
integrated into a single … .
3. At present … are being installed between many major US cities at a
rapid rate.
4. This system will soon be improved to operate at … per second.
5. A revolution in … is underway with optical disk technology.
6. The disks are made of plastics … with aluminium.
7. It is reported that an optical equivalent of a … has been
8. It is found that optical technology is … .
IX. Put in the right proposition:
1. You communicate with your computer … the keyboard.
2. The instruction manuals … most software applications contain
a section describing the functions … each key.
3. The mouse works … sliding it around (ball down) … a flat
4. You will see the arrow your screen moving … unison.
5. That's the only part the computer pays attention … .