Texts and exercises on information science. Мартынов О.В. - 2 стр.



Computers are now essential in many areas of life - modern banking,
information technology and many others. However, this is not true for
There are some subjects which may be better taught using computers.
Elementary mathematics, elementary language learning, any subject that
requires a student to memorize basic facts through repetition is good to
computer learning. The computer can be programmed to provide an endless
number of simple questions, and as the student answers these questions the
facts are learned.
However, in the learning and practice of more complex ideas, the
computer is not adequate. A computer can evaluate an answer as right or
wrong, but it cannot determine why. It cannot find out why a student is
making mistakes, and then explain important concepts in a different way so
the student will understand. Task connected with explanation cannot be
taught by computers as there are too many variables for a computer to deal
with successfully.
Thus, while computers may be useful for practicing simple skills, they
are not an essential feature of modern education. Until further
developments in computers are made, the human teacher will remain
I. Read and translate the text.
II. Answer the following questions:
1. Which areas of life are computers essential in? 2. What are the
subjects which can be taught with the help of computers? 3. What can’t a
computer determine and why?
III. Write out sentences with the Passive Voice and translate
IV. Make all types of questions to the following sentence:
there are some subjects which may be better taught using computers.
V. Translate from English into Russian the following:
1. information technology. 2. elementary language learning. 3. to
provide an endless number of simple questions. 4. more complex ideas. 5.
to explain important concepts. 6. to practice simple skills.
VI. Match up:
simple .........................................ideas
modern .......................................... an answer
information ................................. skills
elementary ................................. learning
computer ..................................... concepts
complex… ................................... .technology
to evaluate .................................... banking
important ........................................ mathematics
VII. Fill in the blanks:
indispensable, variables, important concepts, a computer, evaluate,
computer learning
1. If you want to memorize basic facts through repetition you can
refer to … .
2. A computer can only … whether the answer is right or wrong.
3. … can’t find out why a student makes mistakes.
4. A computer can’t explain … so that the student will understand
5. As there are too many … the computer can’t deal with them
6. The computers are … in practicing simple skills.
VIII. Translate:
1. Так как существует множество переменных, компьютеры не
могут выполнять задания, связанные с объяснением.
2. Компьютер не может объяснить сложные идеи таким
образом, чтобы студент понял их.
3. Компьютер незаменим при отработке
простых навыков.
4. Компьютер может быть запрограммирован задавать простые
5. Компьютер необходим в современном банковском деле,
информационных технологиях и в какой-то степени в образовании.
IX. Give summary of the text.