Texts and exercises on information science. Мартынов О.В. - 21 стр.



browsers understand hypertext markup language or code, a set of
commands to indicate how a Web page is formatted and displayed.
Internet Video conferencing programmes enable users to talk to and
see each other, exchange textual and graphical information, and
Internet TV sets allow you to surf the Web and have e-mail while you
are watching TV, or vice versa. Imagine watching a film on TV and
simultaneously accessing a Web site where you get information on the
actors of the film. The next generation of Internet-enabled televisions
will incorporate a smart-card for home shopping, banking and other
interactive services. Internet-enabled TV means a TV set used as an
Internet device.
The Internet is a good example of a wide area network (WAN). For
long-distance or worldwide communications computers are usually
connected into a wide area network to form a single integrated network.
Networks can be linked together by telephone lines or fibre-optic cables.
Modern telecommunication systems use fibre-optic cables because they
offer considerable advantages. The cables require little physical space, they
are safe as they don't carry electricity, and they avoid electromagnetic
Networks on different continents can also be connected via satellites.
Computers are connected by means of a modem to ordinary telephone lines
or fibre-optic cables, which are linked to a dish aerial. Communication
satellites receive and send signals on a transcontinental scale.
I. Read and translate the text.
II. Answer the following questions:
1. What is the Internet and what is it for? 2. How many people are
connected to the Internet at present? 3. What are the advantages of the
Internet? 4. How does it function? 5. What other services does the Internet
offer? 6. What is an Internet-enabled TV set and how it can be used in the
nearest future? 7. What is WAN? 8. How are the networks connected with
each other?
III. Make all types of questions to the following sentence:
the next generation of Internet-enabled televisions will incorporate
a smart-card for home shopping, banking and other interactive services.
IV. Give English equivalents:
параболическая антенна, громадное количество информации,
получать доступ, свежая информация, быть связанным, язык
гипертекстовой ссылки, глобальная сеть, соединяться посредством
V. Give Russian equivalents:
magnificent global network reference works, exchange textual and
graphical information, smart-card, single integrated network.
VI. Match up:
dish ............................................access
to be connected ......................... information
electromagnetic ....................... through
worldwide ................................markup language
wide area ...................................information
to get … .....................................via
hypertext ...................................communications
to navigate ................................interference
up-to-date ..................................network
to get .......................................... aerial
VII. Put the verbs into the correct tense form:
1. In the last decade the Internet (to grow) at a surprising rate.
2. With the help of the Web you (to be able) to get access to different
information resources.
3. Getting access to different sites (to be) done with the help of a
special programme known as “browser”.
4. In a few years Internet-enabled TV sets (to be) used extensively.
5. What type of cables (to be) telecommunication systems connected
VIII. Fill in the blanks:
exchange textual and graphical information, worldwide
communications, be connected via, dish aerial, single integrated network,
get access, up-to-date information, smart-card.
1. Computers are connected by means of a modem to ordinary
telephone lines or fibre-optic cables, which are linked to a … .
2. The next generation of Internet-enabled televisions will
incorporate a for home shopping, banking and other interactive