Environment Protection. Машутина Е.А. - 18 стр.



7 Text 6 Biology
Modern biologists manipulate data, develop and evaluate theories, and deal with
intricate relationships in the natural world. The Biology award at the University of
Luton addresses these areas through the study of plant biology, microbiology,
molecular biology and ecology. The broad nature of the Biology award provides you
with ultimate flexibility in our modular scheme. Specialists offered to include
Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Environmental Biology, Health Science, Human
Biology, Pharmacology and Plant Biology, all of which are available as discrete
awards. However, if you are not sure which biological subjects to specialise in you
can enter the Biology award at Level 1, gain some experience of subjects you may
not have come across before, and delay the decision to specialise until the second or
third year of the course. However, you may, like many students, wish to remain a
multi-skilled biologist to take advantage of the wider job opportunities open to you.
The Biology course is practically orientated and uses our modern analytical
laboratories so that you get hands-on experience of the techniques and machinery
used by modern day biologists. Staff research and consultancy activities ensure that
our Biology course is up to date, and our national and international links are
continually expanding. These factors, coupled with the transferable skills you
develop throughout the course ensure that you are well prepared for the workplace
when you graduate.
The Biology course is particularly attractive to employers as a single subject
award in combination with Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Environmental Biology,
Environmental Science, Human Biology, Pharmacology and Plant Biology.
7.1 Words to remember
1 intricate запутанный
2 award присуждение, награда, отделение
3 ultimate последний, окончательный, основной
4 flexibility гибкость, уступчивость
5 discrete отдельный, разъединенный
6 to gain приобрести, получить
7 to delay медлить, задерживать, откладывать
8 consultancy консультационный
9 transferable передаваемый, переносимый
10 employer работодатель
7.2 Pronounce the words correctly and write down the transcription
biologist, manipulate, microbiology, molecular, scheme, pharmacology, specialise,
multi-skilled, advantage, orientated, experience, techniques, ensure.
7.3 Make up your own sentences using the new words
     7 Text 6 Biology

      Modern biologists manipulate data, develop and evaluate theories, and deal with
intricate relationships in the natural world. The Biology award at the University of
Luton addresses these areas through the study of plant biology, microbiology,
molecular biology and ecology. The broad nature of the Biology award provides you
with ultimate flexibility in our modular scheme. Specialists offered to include
Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Environmental Biology, Health Science, Human
Biology, Pharmacology and Plant Biology, all of which are available as discrete
awards. However, if you are not sure which biological subjects to specialise in you
can enter the Biology award at Level 1, gain some experience of subjects you may
not have come across before, and delay the decision to specialise until the second or
third year of the course. However, you may, like many students, wish to remain a
multi-skilled biologist to take advantage of the wider job opportunities open to you.
      The Biology course is practically orientated and uses our modern analytical
laboratories so that you get hands-on experience of the techniques and machinery
used by modern day biologists. Staff research and consultancy activities ensure that
our Biology course is up to date, and our national and international links are
continually expanding. These factors, coupled with the transferable skills you
develop throughout the course ensure that you are well prepared for the workplace
when you graduate.
      The Biology course is particularly attractive to employers as a single subject
award in combination with Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Environmental Biology,
Environmental Science, Human Biology, Pharmacology and Plant Biology.

      7.1 Words to remember
1 intricate                              запутанный
2 award                                  присуждение, награда, отделение
3 ultimate                               последний, окончательный, основной
4 flexibility                            гибкость, уступчивость
5 discrete                               отдельный, разъединенный
6 to gain                                приобрести, получить
7 to delay                               медлить, задерживать, откладывать
8 consultancy                            консультационный
9 transferable                           передаваемый, переносимый
10 employer                              работодатель

     7.2 Pronounce the words correctly and write down the transcription
biologist, manipulate, microbiology, molecular, scheme, pharmacology, specialise,
multi-skilled, advantage, orientated, experience, techniques, ensure.

     7.3 Make up your own sentences using the new words