7. The Gerund-participle correlation
Recommended reading:
1. Blokh M.Y. A Course in Theoretical English Grammar. - M:
Vysshaya Shkola, 2000, Ch. XI.
2. Ilyish B.A. The Structure of modern English. – L.: Prosveschenie,
1971, Ch.
3. Иванова Т.П., Бурлакова В.В., Почепцов Г.Г. Теоретическая
грамматика современного английского языка. – М: Высш.
Шк. , 1981. - C. 80-87.
4. Иофик Л.Л., Чахоян Л.П., Поспелова А.Г. Хрестоматия по
теоретической грамматике английского языка. - Л.:
Просвещение, 1981, гл. IV.
Additional task
The transformationalists interpretation of the constructions
containing secondary predication.
Recommended reading
Hathaway B. A Transformational Syntax. The Grammar of Modern
American English, New York, 1967. - P. 189-228.
Practical tasks
1. Find in the book for your home reading the examples illustrating
the given problems.
2. State the functions of the infinitives.
1. Surely it is not at all necessary to go into details. 2. I rose to
receive my guests. 3. He seems to be satisfied to be doing nothing. 4.
Passing by a radio-shop he suddenly remembered to buy some tape
for his recorder. 5. At the sight of the man I felt an impulse to laugh.
6. Her first action was to visit the establishment of a famous
dressmaker. 7. I could not help but tell him everything about the past
two months. 8. He was too astonished to speak. 9. It is a great
pleasure to make your acquaintance. 10, The best thing Lanny could
do was to get out of here. 11. Soon the boy began to take an interest
английского языка. М.: Высш. Шк. 1975. – С. 131-136.
Practical tasks
1. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the correct form
of the subjunctive mood and explain your choice.
1. Russia demands that the preparation of a new war which is being
conducted in the USA (to condemn). 2. Education is costly, and even
if it (not to be) and I (can afford) it, I am of the opinion that it (not to
be) advisable that you (to keep) at a school. 3. Cape Town? No one
(to imagine0 that it was just a night’s journey from here. It seemed as
though it (to be) in another world. 4. The author described the events
as they had been, changing only the names lest anyone (to think) the
story autobiographical. 5. Gemma felt uncomfortable and began to
wish she (to refuse) to come: the silence was growing awkward.6.
The fellow’s face was as if it (to come) from some grave or another.
7. If you (to let) me know that you wanted to speak to me I (to call)
on you. 8. Every team has a few players in reserve in case any one of
the footballers (to fall) ill or (to get) hurt in the game. 9. I (not to
mind) it so much, if it (not to be) for the things she said. 10. If only
they (to have) a chance to be human beings.
2. What concept seems to be the most grounded for you.
Г. Суит выделяет наклонение, выражающее нереальность,
называя его “Thought Mood” и подразделяет его на подтипы в
зависимости от способа выражения – синтетическими или
аналитическими формами с вспомогательными глаголами
should, would, он называет Conditional mood, сочетания с . may
and might Permissive mood. Трактуя формы, омонимичные
претериту и перфекту прошедшего времени, Г. Суит занял
промежуточную позицию, называя эти формы Tense-moods.
Ф.И.Смирницкий различает сослагательное I (не
противоречащее реальности), сослагательное II
(противоречащее реальности, предположительное (should +
infinitive) и условное (should and would).
Б.А.Ильиш рассматривает формы с should and would как особое
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