Теоретическая грамматика английского языка. Мельник О.Г. - 9 стр.



Совр. зарубежные грамматические теории, М., 1985.
Practical tasks:
1. Identify the following genitives using the transformations if
1. We found out file woman's story afterwards. (Jerome). 2.
Desert's voice seemed to leap from restraint. (Galsworthy). 3. For the
next four days he lived a simple and blameless life on thin captain's
biscuits... (Jerome). 4. Never, never... did seven days race so madly
past, tumbling over each other's heels. (Broughton). 5. I gaze lovingly
at the rich brown earth, so lately freed from the frost's grasp...
(Broughton), 6. "She kept a chandler's shop," pursued Bounderby.
(Dickens). 7. In a word, he went out and ate ices at a pastry-cook's
shop in Charing Cross... (Thackeray). 8. This man lives at Rod's End,
and I don't quite know Rod's End. (Dickens). 9, I was one of a party
who hired an up-river boat one summer, for a few days' trip,
(Jerome). 10. George... promptly stepped into bow's place ...
(Jerome). 11. After this, they conversed on different subjccis until
they arrived at their journey's end. (Dickens). 12. They (George's
father and George's father's friend) were to sleep in the same room,
but in different beds. (Jerome). 13. My counsel is that you go out of
harm's way. (Thackeray). 14. ... Colonel Francis Esmond, my Lord's
cousin and her Ladyship's, who had married the Dean of Winchester's
daughter... (Thackeray), 15. They sometimes, after fifteen
hours'work, sat down to read mere fables about men and women
more or less like themselves. (Dickens). 16. "I'll have half-a-crown's
worth of brandy, neat, if you please, miss," he responded. (Jerome).
17. Just before you come to the abbey, and right, on the river's bank,
is Bisham Church... (Jerome). 18. Fleur wanted the added richness
and excitement which Wilfrid's affection gave to life, but without
danger and without loss. (Galsworthy). 19. The two ladies in the
dining-room wondered to their hearts' content at Sir Pitt's offer and
Rebecca's refusal. (Thackeray). 20, What w'-as it for good gracious
goodness' sake, that the greedy little Grad-grinds grasped it!
(Dickens). 21. We pegged and quaffed away in silence for a while,
until the time came... when we rested our glasses at arm's length upon
Additional task
1. Теория речевых актов.
Recommended reading:
1) Новое в зарубежной лингвистике. Теория речевых актов, в.
17, М., 1986.
2) Levinson St. Pragmatics. L. – N.Y., 1983.
2. Теория референции.
1) Арутюнова Н.Д. Предложение и его смысл. – М., 1985.
2) Падучева Е.В. Высказывание и его соотнесенность с
действительностью. – М., 1985.
Practical tasks
1. Analyse the following sentences indicating “theme” and
“rheme”. Comment on the devices.
1. There are several dialects in the English language. 2. In my
topic lay two basic questions. 3. It was Mendeleyev who
discovered the periodic law. 4. In 1913 Niels Bohr offered a new
explanation to the atomic nuclear. 5. The radio was invented by
Popov. 6. Hanging on the walls were pictures of scientists. 7.
Only two of the reasons will be discovered here. 8. There was not
a single car there. 9. It was in Yasnaya Polyana that L.Tolstoy
wrote his major books.10. No machinery was needed to perform
this test.
2. Analyse the following sentences according to the IC model.
1. My friends were waiting for me at the station. 2. The people
upstairs complained. 3. I’ll see what can be done about it. 4.
They’re sure to be home now. 5. Usually the boys in the family
milked the goats in the morning. 6. The young trapeze artist on
the high wire fell off. 7. The boys usually answered rudely when
they were questioned.
3.Make a transformational analyses:
1. The barking dog frightened me.
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