The secret of success. Мельник О.Г. - 9 стр.



the best move we have made for some time. We 11. ............ that market
in October. At first, it looked as if the competition in Poland and the
Czech Republic would 12. .......... us out of the market before we could
establish ourselves, but fortunately that did not happen. And, in spite of
currency difficulties, 1 can assure you that that market at least remains
5. Read the presentation above aloud, as if you were giving the
presentation. Read it several times until you feel it sounds clear, positive,
and effective.
6. All the following verbs except one can be prefixed by both under-
(meaning to do this too little or too low) and over- (meaning to do this
too much or too highly). Which one is the exception? Does it match with
over- or under-? What does it mean?
-estimate, -rate, -valued, -react, -state, -cut, -charge, -price.
Which of the verbs:
are concerned with money?
are concerned with opinions or attitudes?
7. Look in your English-English dictionary for other words which
begin under' or over' which one you think will be useful.
8. Find six pairs of opposites in the following words relating to trade.
1. surplus a. dumping
2. boom b. hardship
3. stockpiling c. triumph
4. disaster d. shortage
5.failure e. slump
6. prosperity f. success
9. Complete the following using some of the words above Underline
all the word partnerships you can find in the text.
In times of 1. ............ when there is very little money about, for
example during an economic 2 ........... people often stop buying all but
the essentials. This then leads to 3. ............. after another as companies
find it more and more difficult to sell their products. 4. ............ becomes
unavoidable as warehouses fill up with unsold goods, and some
companies may be forced, to engage in How are companies affected by
economic 5. ............, the unfair practice of selling recession and boom?
1. Match the expressions with their definitions
it goes without saying
to carry weight
to count
to fall short (of)
to get out of
to keep up (with)
to take advantage of smth.
go at the same pace or speed
abandon gradually-
– be of importance or influence
fail to equal, be inferior to
- it is understandable
to matter, to be of importance
use it profitably, for one’s own
3. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and
phrases and use them in the sentences of your own.
потрясающий работник; основательное любопытство; устареть
довольно быстро; не достигать цели; долговременный подход;
измерение производительности; премия; использовать возможности;
пасть жертвой; скрытый смысл; сбыт; само собой разумеется.
4. Topics for discussion:
1. Why is it so easy to get out of date in knowledge-based fields?
2. In what way can the communication with the customers improve the
production process?
3. What does Mr. Gates understand by long-term approach?
4. How can the motivation be encouraged?
5. Why is the willingness to learn so important?
6. What does he mean by ‘cross-pollination‘?
7. Why is it important to learn economics in business?
8. What can one learn from the competitors?
9. What is the danger in analysing the problems?
10. What are the essential features of character?
5. Discuss the attributes mentioned above and suggest the qualities that
you consider to be of major importance