Сборник технических текстов для домашнего чтения по английскому языку. Морозова М.А. - 25 стр.



Shastun, V.B. Maksimenkov, V.F. Novikov, O.G. Smirnov, A.F. Sidorenko,
A,I.Kapustin, N.I. Petukhov and others.
The production two-seaters were fitted with extended chord, leading edge ex-
tensions and capable of loading with drop tanks. The MiG-23UB nose fuselage lines
were made like those of the MiG-23M.
The aircraft was powered by R-27F2M-300 engine (lx 6900/10000 kgf) and
the earlier two-seaters were equipped with the RP-21 radar sight similar to that of
the MiG-23 S, but the radar was not reliable and was replaced by a mass balance.
The aircraft, engine and other systems control was performed from both cock-
pits, but the second one had the priority where, normally, the instructor's seat was lo-
The periscope was placed on the second cockpit to ensure the view while taxi-
ing, taking off, approaching and landing. The KM-1 ejection seats with centralized
ejection sequence control system.
The MiG-23UB armament included the R-3S IR homing air-to-air missile and
the Kh-23 missile to hit the surface targets. The Delta NG station was used for the
Kh-23 missile guidance.
In 1984, the MiG-23UM two-seater was developed, that corresponded the
MiG-23ML and MiG-23P fighters, in terms of structure. The earlier MiG-23UB
were upgraded
to the MiG-23UM.The aircraft were fitted with the SOUA ac-
tive stall barrier system and the UUA-1 angle of attack indicator.
The MiG-23UE combat trainer were in service with the AF and Air Defence
of the USSR, Algeria, Angola, Afghanistan, Egypt, India, Libya, Northern Korea,
Syria, Ethiopia, Bulgaria, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Hungary, East Germany, Iraq, the
Congo, Cuba, Laos, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, Somali, Sudan, Czechoslovakia and
South Yemen.
In AF and Air Defence in most of these and CIS countries, the MiG-23 s are
still in service. Part of MiG-23 s of the Russian AF is maintained operational at the
storage bases. One of the aircraft is still used at the IAIA as an "enemy fighter" or an
escort aircraft for the "new born" Su-30s.
The two-seater was designed for training, but the MiG-23UBs and MiG-
23UMs had to perform combat missions as a sort of command post in Afghanistan.
The MiG-23UB production run lasted till 1978. Totally, 769 aircraft of this type were
manufactured in Irkutsk. The MiG-23UBs were delivered to many countries. Over
11,000 MiG-23 air vehicles are now operated by the air forces of more than 20 coun-
tries. More than 60% of their fleets are MiG-23ML, MiG-23MLD, MiG-23MF
and MiG-23MS fighters, 30% are MiG-23BN fighter-bombers and the rest of the
aircraft are MiG-23UB combat trainers. For most air forces, MIG-23 is the main type
of combat aircraft which has been successfully mastered by flying and maintenance
personnel. The aircraft possesses high performance and can be kept in service until
2010-2015. However, the aircraft weapons and avionics designed more than 20 years
ago can not operate on a par with up-to-date analogues. RAC "MiG" offers the most
upgraded - модернизированный