Сборник технических текстов для домашнего чтения по английскому языку. Морозова М.А. - 26 стр.



rational approach to MiG-23 upgrade. The project ensures the optimal upgrading
method and several basic upgrade versions that could be chosen by customers them-
selves. These versions were tried out during upgrading other MiG aircraft types. They
consist in: integration of new avionics and weapons (including those of Western
make), and continuous upgrade with a stage-by-stage growth of capabilities. It should
be noted that this approach is common for all versions of the MIG-23 family.
The certified and serially produced TU-204 mid-haul
passenger airliner has
originated an entire family of new Russian transport aircraft. Leading Russian civil
and military research centres analysing customers' demands in cargo transportation
have concluded that nowadays the major problem of cargo air transportation is a lack
of up-to-date multi-purpose medium transport aircraft that can replace a widely used
aircraft AN-12.
The current fleet of native cargo aircraft composed of Ans and Us was defined
in co-operation with aircraft manufacturers of Ukraine and Uzbekistan. For the time
being these companies are on the territory of foreign states and in view of military
and strategic conditions - it seemed not very reasonable to rely upon their participa-
tion in building aircraft of double use (civil and military-transport). The only solu-
tion to solve this problem in contemporary Russia is a manufacturing and timed
launch into service of TU-204-330 (TU-330) medium transport aircraft being a
cargo version of the TU-214 aircraft that are actually ready for production at FSUE
KAPO named after S.P.Gorbunov. TU-330 aircraft is 75% unified with TU-214
aircraft. Its extended transportation and operating capacities make it multi-
purpose. TU-330 aircraft can be powered by various Russian and foreign engines
(PS-90A, RB-211-535FS, PW2240) as well as by NK-93 - new advanced high-
efficient prop-fan engines with the highest bypass ratio
. TU-330 a/c will be built very
quickly since this aircraft is 70% completely similar to TU-214 and TU-204 that are
already in operation. All these aircraft are provided with unified cockpit, engines,
fuel tanks and many other things. They will differ by cargo compartment only".
The TU-204-330 (TU-330) transport a/c building is incorporated into Federal
purpose oriented Program "Development of Civil Aircraft in Russia for 2002-2010
and for the period up to the year 2015" - Resolution of RF Government of 15 Octo-
ber, 2001 ? 728:"item 13. Building of TU-330 - with lifting capacity of 35 t - 2002-
2012,"Tupolev' PSC", KAPO. Certification in 2002." The TU-330 a/c is provided
with government support by way of Government Resolution of the RF No.369 of 23
April, 1994 "On building of mid-class transport aircraft TU-330". Russian Govern-
ment showed comprehensive understanding of the situation in the field of air cargo
transportation. According to GosNIIGA 2/3 of mid-range aircraft total cargo turover
falls in flight range of 1000 to 4000 km. From the other hand exactly this area is the
mid-haul – транспортировка средней дальности
bypass ratio – степень двухконтурности
turnover – оборот, круговорот