Сборник технических текстов для домашнего чтения по английскому языку. Морозова М.А. - 28 стр.



TU-330VT a/c is about 25-27 mln USD. An-70 a/c program recoupment
is scheduled
after production of 60 machines (Russian share of purchases is 165 aircraft for Air
Force which is quite hardly probable since departments of Russian Ministry of De-
fense are saturated
by 11-76 and An-124 up to the year 2015, Ministry of Transport
is not going to buy the aircraft); for information - TU-330 a/c program will recoup
itself at the 12-th a/c production;
The export potential of An-70 transport a/c is quite trifling since in Europe
demands in Mid-class Transport Aircraft is currently meeting under FLA program -
with A-400M a/c ( Western Military Agencies have ordered 193 machines for the
amount of 18 mlrd USD). Heavy Transport Aircraft is not in great demand in Europe
for the time being;
Having many positive characteristics An-70 a/c is rigidly associated with tur-
boprop engine (D-27 of Ukrainian production) while power plant of TU-330 a/c is
more uniform the following engines can be provided: PS-90A, NK-93A, NK-94 op-
erating LNG, foreign RB211-535FS and PW2240;
According to TsAGI conclusion (basing on analysis of Omsk incident and on
22 similar preconditions) AN-70 a/c in case of partial or entire failure of one engine
or during take-off will require wing blow with turboprop engine flow; two engines
failure will cause catastrophic effect (such situations are quite realistic for military
aircraft operating under enemy's fire ). It can not be eliminated since it was laid down
into An-70 a/c concept. Problems of D-27 aerodynamic instability could be added.
The D-27 engines development will require large additional investment and time.
Su-25 FROGFOOT Grach (Rook) Su-39 FROGFOOT
The Su-25, which is no longer in serial production, made its first flight in 1979.
This single seat ground attack aircraft is a very durable airplane - it is fairly heavily
armored ~ and easy to service - all service equipment can be stored in a container and
transported by the airplane itself. It is armed with one twin barrel 30mm gun in the
bottom of the fuselage with 250 rounds. There are 8 pylons under the wings which
can carry about 4,000 kg of air-to-ground weapons, including 57mm to 330mm rock-
ets. There are two small outboard pylons
The wings are high-mounted and back-tapered with straight trailing edges.
There are pods mounted at the square tips. There are two turbojets mounted alongside
the body under the wings. There are semicircular air intakes forward of the wings'
leading edges. There are exhausts to the rear of the wings' trailing edges. The fuse-
lage is long, and slender and has a rounded nose. The body tapers to the rear section
that overhangs the exhausts. There is a stepped canopy. The tail is swept-back and fin
recoupment - возмещение
saturate - насыщать
recoup - покупать
outboard pylons – наружные (внешние) пилоны