Сборник технических текстов для домашнего чтения по английскому языку. Морозова М.А. - 30 стр.



trainder, with the rear seat and cockpit replaced with a fuel cell and extra avionics.
The Su-39 carries the Kopyo-25 multi mode radar in a pod under the fuselage. Ar-
mament includes ground attack missiles such as the AT-16 Vikhr , anti-ship missiles,
and AAMs such as the R-27, R-27ER, R-60, R-73 and R-77. A four-fold reduction in
thermal signature has been achieved through cooling intakes on the upper surface of
aircraft, and a new center body which masks hot turbine blades. Only a few dozen of
these aircraft have been built. Reports in the mid-1990s that the Su-39 designation
had been assigned to a primary trainer derived from the Su-26 and Su-29 aerobatic
competition aircraft, designed to replace the Yak-52, are apparently incorrect.
Two aircraft of the Sukhoi Attack Aircraft Concern (Sturmoviki Sukhogo in
Russian) shown at a static display during the MAKS 2001 air show. The Su-39 (Su-
25TM) had been displayed earlier and was well known, while the Su-25SM upgraded
by the Air Force's 121st aircraft repair plant at Kubinka was shown for the first time.
The Su-25 upgrade is aimed at expanding their combat capabilities, enhancing lethal-
ity and slashing operating and maintenance burden. The plane's navigational accuracy
is improved by an order of magnitude while its ordnance's efficiency is increased two
to three times. The upgrade increases combat payload on the new MBD3-U2T-1
bomb racks up to 5,000 kg and expands their ordnance list allowing R-73E air-to-air
guided missiles and S-13T rockets.
An-24 COKE, An-26 CURL , An-30 CLANK (ANTONOV)
Development of the An-24 began in 1960 in response to an Aeroflot require-
ment for a cheap and simple transport to replace the Li-2 (licensed DC-3), 11-2, and
11-14 aircraft. Two prototypes flew in September 1962, and the An-24 Coke first en-
tered service in 1962. The production version turned out to be a reliable aircraft - An-
24 was shown to be able to maintain an altitude of 3000 m with full payload and only
one working engine. The An-24RT transport aircraft features an additional RU-19-
300 jet engine.
The wings are high-mounted and equally tapered from the engines to the blunt
tips. Two turboprops are mounted in pods beneath the wings, which extend beyond
the wings' leading and trailing edges. The fuselage is long and slender with an up-
swept rear section and a solid, rounded nose featuring a stepped cockpit. The fin is
back-tapered with a blunt tip and angular fairing. Flats are high-mounted on the body,
back-tapered with blunt tips, and have a positive slant. The development of this air-
craft widely used in the regional airlines and abroad started in 1956, when the long-
range Tu-104 and IL-18 went in service. The Aeroflot and AF Li-2, IL-12i and IL-14
did not meet the requirements in terms of load lifting capacities and were obsolete, so
the urgent need appeared in the speed gas-turbine aircraft for local lines and for mili-
tary needs. There existed no serial engines for that type aircraft and the assignments
were set for the O.K. Antonov Design Bureau (airframe) and the A.T. Ivtchenko De-
sign Bureau (engine).
The first An-24 piloted by test pilot G.I. Lysenko made its maiden flight on
October 20, 1959. The aircraft was very successful as the Ivtchenko engines had op-