Сборник технических текстов для домашнего чтения по английскому языку. Морозова М.А. - 32 стр.



and lateral photographing. A dark room for handling the films and their storage is
provided. The sensor apertures in the underside and in both sides of the rear fuselage
are covered by remotely-controlled doors. During flight, cameras are operated by two
photographers. The An-30 can also be equipped with a variety of other devices, in-
cluding magnetometer and microwave radiometer for long-distance surveys. They
can be used to evaluate various situations on the surface, ice or snow cover, devel-
opment of vegetation etc. for civilian purposes. The devices can be installed in fixed
or gyro-stabilised mountings. A navigation computer closely co-operates with the
terminal of the NAVSTAR/GPS satellite navigation system, which enables an ex-
tremely accurate automatic navigation of the aircraft along the pre-programmed
course, at given altitude and speed, including guidance to the point of departure of
the photographing. The pressurised cabin permits to fly at high levels. The avionics
includes fairly modern navigation and communication devices, an ADF automatic
radio direction finder, DME distance measuring system, marker and ILS/GS instru-
ment landing system, and a radio altimeter. The avionics and instrumentation enable
all-weather operation and safe landing.
The Russian production run stopped in 1978 after, totally, 1100 aircraft of this
type were produced (the Irkutsk factory manufactured 164 An-24Ts out of these
within 1967 through 1971).
In Russia, demand for replacement of a trainer airplane became more acute ow-
ing to the breakup of the Warsaw Pact and the Council for Mutual Economic Assis-
tance. As the L-29 and L-39 airplanes and their spare parts were manufactured mainly
in Czechoslovakia, they soon became difficult to obtain for the Russia's Air Force.
The MiG-AT trainer has a wing span of 10.16 meters, and its maximum take-
off weight is 8,150 kg. The aircraft's range is up to 3,000 km., and the maneuvering air
speed is 850 km/h. In addition to the primary trainer version, the MiG-AT family is
designed for potential evolution into a combat trainer, a light single-seat tactical
fighter, a naval combat trainer and a combat air patrol aircraft.
The developers of the MiG-AT airplane sought to fundamentally reduce the
cost and time of training pilots, substantially improve flight safety and make air-
plane operation simple and easy. The MiG-AT can be used both for the first flight of
a pilot cadet and the final training stages. When the aerodynamic configuration was
considered by the experimental design bureau, an unswept wing version was chosen
for its considerable advantages in total weight, effectiveness and flight safety. The
MiG-AT design uses the classic configuration with a low unswept wing having a sub-
stantial dog tooth extension. The wing is provided with drooping ailerons and multi-
position flaps and slats ensuring high lift qualities. An ordinary kinematics main land-
ing gear retracts into a well provided in the wing.
The MiG-AT advanced trainer has been under development by MiG Corp. since
the early 1990s. This aircraft is designed to provide basic, general and advanced lev-
els of pilot training, allowing in-service flight crews to maintain their skills while also