Сборник технических текстов для домашнего чтения по английскому языку. Морозова М.А. - 31 стр.



timum power, weight and service life parameters. The An-24 was used as the basis
for the An-24T transport version followed by the An-26 and An-32, "Toros" ice re-
connaissance aircraft, the An-30 for airphotography and others. A.N. Tupolev told
about the An-24: "This aircraft demonstrated its high capabilities and is an up-to-date
sample of this type of aircraft."
The Irkutsk factory manufactured the An-24T military transport version with a
cargo door in the tail fuselage, overhead-track hoist and airdrop equipment. The An-
24T serial production started within a year. It was also facilitated thanks to the or-
ganisational restructuring when the narrow-specialisation sub-assembly
was intro-
duced which later on, proved to be effective, when the IAIA manufactured the MiG-
23UB and the Su-27UB). The IAIA had to master the production of glue-and-
panels for the nacelles
. The technique of the E. O. Paton's Research Insti-
tute was improved and adapted to be used in aircraft manufacturing industry. Some
issues were solved thanks to the experience of the Factory test pilots, V.S.
Prantskyavitchus, E.N. Tcheltsov, V.N. Trubnikov, G,M. Kurkai and others, who
tested the An-24Ts.
In 1962, the passenger An-24 started operation on the local lines and soon it
became one of the most numerous Aeroflot aircraft. The An-24 was in service with
the Air Forces of USSR, Bulgaria, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Hungary, East Germany,
Iraq, the Congo, Cuba, Laos, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, Somali, Sudan,
Czechoslovakia and South Yemen. The Xian Yunshuji Y-7 is a reverse-
engineered Chinese version of the Antonov An-24.
The An-26 is a development of An-24RT. One of the main modifications was a
rear loading ramp. More than 1,100 of this versatile transport aircraft were built be-
fore production ended in 1978. The Coke's replacement, the An-26 Curl, has many
of the same features as the Coke. An-26 by Antonov is designed for tactical transport
of passengers and material on short and medium distances. A development of An-24,
it was finished in 1969. It has a large rear loading ramp to facilitate loading of car-
goes. The engines are more powerful in comparison with the An-24. A pressurized
cabin makes it possible to fly at high levels. It has fairly modern navigation and
communication devices, an ADF automatic radio direction finder, DME distance
measuring system, marker and ILS/GS instrument landing system, and a radio altime-
ter. The avionics and instrumentation permits all-weather operation and safe landing.
The An-26Z version is fitted with special devices and instrumentation for air recon-
naissance and control of combat activities.
The An-30 (Clank) by Antonov is a development of An-24RT. The aircraft,
whose development was finished in 1974, is modified and equipped for ground map-
ping and surveying tasks. The main identification feature is the nose, which has been
completely redesigned, with glazing and a built-in navigator's compartment. The in-
ner space of the fuselage has also been remodelled. Its floor area has removable
cover plates over apertures for photogrammetrical cameras for vertical, panoramic
sub-assembly – узловая сборка
of glue-and-welded – сварные панели
nacelles – кожух, гондола