Сборник технических текстов для домашнего чтения по английскому языку. Морозова М.А. - 29 стр.



is tapered with a square tip. The flats mid-mounted on the fuselage, unequally tapered
with blunt tips.
Su-25, a multirole twin-engine attack fighter for close air support (this type of
aircraft is called "shturmovik" in Russia) was developed in the 1960s. The Su-25 is
designed for highly precision destruction of ground targets in all weather conditions
by day or night, primarily destruction of armoured targets, bridges, means of trans-
port, firing positions, command and control elements, convoys, motorways, railways,
combat helicopters etc. Its combat capabilities, resistance, striking power and effi-
ciency make it fully comparable with its American counterpart A-10 Thunderbolt. Its
structure, universal electronic equipment and especially wide range of multipurpose
weaponry and the possibility of its application in the most demanding conditions
make the Su-25 suitable for close air support of ground units.
There are two versions of the aircraft with, almost identical parameters, a sin-
gle-seat Su-25K, and a two-seat Su-25UBK which is used for training of pilots for
this type while keeping all the advantages of a single-seat modification and all capa-
bilities of a combat application. Standard equipment of the aircraft is an internal 30
mm AO-17A gun with 250 rounds. Other optional weaponry includes pods with 57
mm up to 330 mm rockets, and a number of air-to surface missiles including Ch-23
(AS-7 Kerry), Ch-25 (AS-10 Karen) and Ch-29 (AS-14 Kedge). A built-in laser target
illuminator in the nose permits homing of air-to-surface missiles, sliding and cluster
bombs and multi-purpose laser-guided weaponry. For longer distances, a laser target
illuminator can be mounted in a pod under the wing. R-60 (AA-8 Aphid) air-to-air
missiles provide self defence against enemy aircraft. For ground targets destruction, it
can be additionally fitted with a SPPU-22 machine gun. Su-25 can take off and land
with armament load on limited runways even without reinforced surface. In moun-
tainous regions at the altitude of about 3,000 m above the sea level, take-off and land
ing runways of 1,200 m are sufficient to permit its operation. This makes it possible
to reduce the distance from the theater of operation, frequently change the take-off
site, and conduct surprise strikes against enemy ground targets.
The upgraded SU-25KM "Scorpion" is enhanced with the most advanced avi-
onics, designed to elevate its unique capabilities and to provide a head-start into the
21st century as a model for close-attack aircraft. Avionics include "Glass cockpit" ar-
rangement; digital map generator
; display and sight helmet
; computerized weapons
system; complete mission pre-plan capability; fully redundant backup modes; ex-
tremely reliable and very easy to maintain. Performance enhancements include:
Highly accurate navigation; pinpoint weapon delivery systems; all weather and
day/night performance; NATO compatibility; high level of situational awareness;
state-of-the art safety and survivability features; advanced onboard debriefing
bilities complying with international requirements.
The Su-39 (also known as the Su-25T or Su-25TM) is a Frogfoot variant in-
corporating post-Afghanistan lessons-learned. It is based on the Su-25UB two-seat
digital map generator –
цифровой генератор карты
display and sight helmet – шлем с прицелом и дисплеем
debrief – производить опрос