Сборник технических текстов для домашнего чтения по английскому языку. Морозова М.А. - 39 стр.



Advanced versions of the popular Tucano turboprop continue to be produced.
The EMB-314 Super Tucano has been ordered by the Brazilian air force for training
and armed surveillance roles. Original Tucanos have been license-built in the UK and
Egypt, with export prospects for the new version likely to result in 200 orders.
Russia's great hope for the training market is the MiG-AT, being produced to re-
place its ageing Czech-made Aero L-39s. French industry is involved in the pro
gramme, providing engines and avionics for the fly-by-wire
aircraft. The first proto-
type flew in 1997 and also is being offered with Russian-made engines to customers
who cannot afford versions equipped with western products.
Germany's Daimler-Chrysler Aerospace (DASA), now the European Aeronau-
tics Defence and Space company's (EADS) military aircraft division has been devel-
oping the AT-2000 MAKO as a private venture. The MAKO is being marketed in
Spain, Greece and the middle east with the United Arab Emirates as the launch cus-
The UAE's recent purchase of more than 100 new Mirage 2000 and F-16
Fighting Falcon combat aircraft has boosted
the country's pilot-training require-
The MAKO's stealth characteristics and combat capability mean it is also com-
peting for orders in the light combat aircraft market.
This joint venture between South Korea and Lockheed Martin is designed to
meet requirements for fighter-pilot training aircraft. The T-50/A-50 Golden Eagle has
evolved from the US-South Korean project to co-produce F-16 fighters - almost all the
design and development work being undertaken in South Korea. A prototype will
fly next year and series production begins a year later. Economic problems in South
Ko and the rapprochement
between the two Koreas has raised doubts about the
programme but the South Korean government remains bullish
about its commit-
ment to the development of the aircraft. Recent interest from Indonesia has boosted
the Golden Eagle's prospects.
The Swiss company's PC-7 and PC-9 turbo-prop trainers have won many ex-
port orders and remain in production. New production methods have been intro-
duced and an Israeli company has offered new weapon-system upgrades.
Raytheon's T-6A Texan II aircraft, a development of the basic Pilatus PC-9, is
in production for the USAF and US Navy, Greece and the Canadian NATO training
programme. Some 454 and 328 are under contract to the USAF and USN respectively.
The turbo-prop aircraft won the 1995 USAF-USN joint primary aircraft training
fly-by-wire – система электронного дистанционного управления
boosted поднимать, расширять, развивать
rapprochement – возобновление дружеских отношений
remains bullish сохранять оптимистический настрой