Сборник технических текстов для домашнего чтения по английскому языку. Морозова М.А. - 41 стр.



The Airbus Industries A300-600 is a large capacity, wide-bodied medium and
long range airliner. The aircraft is an advanced development of the original A300
B2/B4 series of aircraft first built in the 1970s and entered service in 1984. The cur-
rent production A300-600R entered service in 1988. 592 A300 aircraft have been or-
dered and 546 delivered. The freighter version, the A300-600F, was delivered to Fed-
eral Express, the launch customer in 1994. Federal Express has a fleet of 48 A300-
600F aircraft.
Airbus Industrie is a consortium formed by EADS and BAE Systems. EADS,
the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company, was formed by a merger
Aerospatiale-Matra of France, Daimler-Chrysler Aerospace of Germany and CASA
of Spain (former members of Airbus).
A key design feature is the exceptionally wide 5.64m (222in) diameter cross-
section of the fuselage. The large cross-section gives passenger comfort and flexibil-
ity in cabin layout from six abreast to nine abreast seating. The A300-600 carries in-
dustry standard LD3 containers side by side in its holds.
The A300-600 provides reduced operating cost per seat, giving airlines a low
risk and economically efficient introduction into the widebody airliner market. The
A300-600 is also built in a freighter version and an all-passenger or all-cargo con-
vertible version. A new A300-600F General Freighter variant has a loading system
and sliding doors for handling large items of freight. The launch customer is Air
Hong Kong, with an order for eight aircraft. The first was delivered in 2004.
The flight deck and the nose of the aircraft are manufactured by EADS France
(formerly Aerospatiale Matra). EADS Germany (formerly DaimlerChrysler Aero-
space Airbus), EADS Spain (formerly CASA), BAE SYSTEMS and Fokker manu-
facture large equipped sections of the aircraft, which are transported by a Beluga air-
craft to the EADS France manufacturing facility at Toulouse for assembly. The as-
sembled aircraft are flown to Hamburg for completion of the outfitting and then re-
turned to Toulouse for final checking and for customer acceptance tests.
The flight deck accommodates a crew of two and there are also two observers'
seats. The cockpit is fitted with liquid crystal displays and six cathode ray tube dis-
plays. The pilots' communications systems include HF and VHF communications, a
selective calling system for use in a densely saturated communications environment,
an interphone and passenger address system, a ground crew calling system and a
cockpit voice recorder.
The front deck windscreens are fitted with an electrical heating anti-ice system
and the deck side windows have an electrical demisting system.
The aircraft's radio navigation suite includes an automatic direction finder, two
VHF omnidirectional
radio rangers, two instrument landing systems, two distance
merger - слияние , соединение
omnidirectional - всенаправленный