Сборник технических текстов для домашнего чтения по английскому языку. Морозова М.А. - 43 стр.



Versions include the basic A310-200, the longer range A310-300 (introduced
in 1985), a cargo version (over 100 have been converted) and the MRTT multi-role
tanker transport, a military tanker version which has been ordered by the German Air
Force (first delivery was in December 2003). The Canadian Air Force is to modify
two of its five A310’s to the MRTT configuration.
Airbus Industrie is a consortium formed by EADS and BAE Systems. EADS,
the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company, was formed by a merger of
Aerospatiale-Matra of France, Daimler-Chrysler Aerospace of Germany and CASA
of Spain (former members of Airbus).
The aircraft has a shorter fuselage than the A300 aircraft but the same 5.64m
fuselage diameter. The A310 is a 200 seater aircraft with low operating costs. The
large fuselage diameter allows the aircraft to carry industry standard LD3 cargo con-
tainers side by side underfloor.
The aircraft has an advanced digital flight deck built by EADS France (for-
merly Aerospatiale Matra) and accommodating the pilot and co-pilot. The flight deck
displays include an aircraft monitoring system, flight guidance, navigation and en-
gine, management and monitoring. The flight deck also houses the electronic flight
instrument system (EFIS) and a flight data recorder. The aircraft's digital automatic
flight control system contains a flight control computer, a thrust control computer and
a duplicated augmentation
computer. The flight control computer provides autopilot,
flight director and speed reference functions.
The aircraft is of mainly high strength aluminium alloy construction with some
sections of carbon fibre or glass fibre re-inforced plastic composites. The wide-
bodied cabin is very quiet and can accommodate 6,7,8 or 9 abreast seating in a double
aisle layout. There are four passenger doors at the port and starboard side to the front
and rear of the cabin. A typical 2 class seating arrangement accommodates 220 pas-
The cabin and flight deck are air-conditioned using power from a ground unit,
from engine compressed air or from the aircraft's auxiliary power unit.
The aircraft's safety features include system redundancy. The aircraft operates
three fully independent hydraulic systems operating simultaneously with fully inde-
pendent circuits and with fire-resistant hydraulic fluid. If any circuit were to fail then
full flight control of the aircraft is retained.
The Honeywell 331-250 auxiliary power unit can be started and operated
throughout the flight of the aircraft. Two electrical generators are engine driven and a
third generator is driven by the auxiliary power unit. Each of the three generators has
sufficient power capacity to operate all the aircraft's systems and equipment for sus-
tained safe flight.
augmentation – пополнение , интенсификация