Сборник технических текстов для домашнего чтения по английскому языку. Морозова М.А. - 64 стр.



An-148 cargo plane. The highlight of the program was the new aircraft flown by the
Russian Air Force - indeed, the elite Strizh pilots were nearly overrun following their
flights by fans begging for autographs.
The Su-27 fighter jet managed to set two records on Sunday, when it attained a speed
of 1510 km/hr flying a 100 km route, and a speed of 1644 km/hr on a 1000 km route.
The show also featured aircraft from 42 countries around the world and 654 aviation
companies (a considerable increase from the 12 countries and 203 companies fea-
tured in 1997). Still, the Kommersant daily estimated that 94 percent of those were
Russian companies, while only 22 out of the 200 aircraft featured were foreign made.
While any display of aviation can be noted as a demonstration of patriotism and
pride, like many major national events, the show, including President Vladimir
Putin's opening speech, was closed to the public until Friday. This left the average
Russians - who had to put out a hefty 1,200 ruble ($42) just for the tickets - only three
days to watch the maneuvers. Security measures, including 6,000 police officers,
meanwhile, did not stop activists from the radical left National Bolshevik Party from
showing up just in time for Putin's speech to throw out pamphlets and cry out "free-
dom." About six of them were reportedly detained. Despite a steep ticket price and
only three days of access, some 650,000 viewers showed up, 50,000 more than last
But the real record-setters were the companies that signed million-dollar deals thanks
to the display. Officially, the deals reached nearly $1 billion. According to a state-
ment made to news agencies by deputy director of the Federal Military Cooperation
Service Vladimir Paleshchuk, "the deals signed in the course of MAKS-2005 are
close to being worth $1 billion. In September we will sign two more contracts."
Kommersant, however, cited several deals in the making and pushed the number up
to $4 billion, according to its own estimates. Among the signed deals were a $300
million contract for AL-55I aviation engines between Rosoboron-export and India
NAL. King Abdullah II of Jordan, who visited the show, sealed a deal for two Il-
76MF transport planes for an estimated $100 million. A consortium of Russian com-
panies signed another deal to sell $260 worth of jets made by Russian Regional Jet.
But according to the daily, many deals are still hanging: Ilyushin Finance Co. report-
edly signed seven deals to produce 56 aircraft worth a whopping
$1.6 billion.
Whatever the shortcomings in national aviation, Russian newspapers described the
show as a demonstration that domestic aircraft could now finally compete with inter-
national production. Experts called the event the culmination of a "trend" in interna-
tional cooperation, while others noted that MAKS was no longer merely a show, but
a platform for real contracts.
whopping - огромный