Сборник технических текстов для домашнего чтения по английскому языку. Морозова М.А. - 62 стр.



cargo/baggage hold and also in the tailfin. A torsion box in the tailfin operates as the
fuel tank for automatic centre of gravity trimming during flight.
The engines are rated at 16,000kg static thrust at sea level and 17,600kg with
emergency power. The range of the aircraft with a full passenger load is 5,650km.
The Tu-214 has hydraulically retractable tricycle type landing gear, the nose
unit fitted with twin wheels and the main units with four wheels. The nosewheel unit
retracts forward and the main units retract inward under the wing and fuselage fair-
ings. The landing gear is equipped with carbon disc brakes.
NASA's Space Shuttle: Dynamo or Dinosaur?
By Robert Bridge The Moscow News
NASA's shuttle program is at risk of being sent to the galactic junkyard
Tuesday's launch of Discovery was marred by another less than perfect per-
The spectacular launch of Discovery from the Kennedy Space Center - the first shut-
tle mission in two and a half years - seemed picture-perfect to the thousands of spec-
tors crowded along the beaches of Florida with cameras and binoculars. NASA's 107
newly installed video cameras, however, relayed a different story.
Once again, at least four frozen foam chunks
detached from the external fuel tanks
during the violent liftoff phase; video images captured at least one of these pieces
striking the shuttle and causing an uncertain amount of exterior damage. It has been
reported that a wide gash is visible on the sensitive nose section of the craft.
This was the same set of circumstances which caused the Columbia shuttle to disinte-
grate during its re-entry phase in February 2003 after debris punctured a hole in its
wing, thus exposing the damaged shuttle to fatal temperatures and gases. Seven as-
tronauts died in the accident.
Colonel Eileen Collins, Discovery's chief commander and first woman to lead a shut-
tle mission, expressed rather blunt criticism about NASA's inability to solve the fal-
ling foam riddle.
"We thought we had that problem licked," Collins said aboard the shuttle. "I don't
think we should fly again unless we do something to prevent this from happening
The vexing problem forces the shuttle crew to concentrate on salvaging the craft for
the intense re-entry phase, as opposed to performing other planned experiments.
junkyard – мусорная свалка
chunk – крупный , большой