Сборник технических текстов для домашнего чтения по английскому языку. Морозова М.А. - 60 стр.



a passenger pod and with the open volume between the main landing gear fitted with
a cargo net or cable for a slung load. The maximum underslung payload is 1,300kg.
The helicopter has demonstrated long endurance and low fuel consumption
flight, important performance parameters for patrol and rescue operations. The main
770-litre capacity fuel tanks provide a flight endurance of 4.24hr. With the 320-litre
auxiliary tanks this is increased to 6.45hr.
A performance advantage of the helicopter, when working from bases at alti-
tudes high above sea level and in mountainous terrain, is the high dynamic ceiling of
5,000m and static ceiling at 2,000m.
The helicopter has an 18,000hr life with a schedule service life of 25 years.
Two Rolls-Royce Allison 250-C20R/2 turboshaft engines are installed side by
side over the fuselage aft of the rotor mast. The engines conform to the requirements
of Category A FAR-29 for one engine inoperable safe flight. The engines are each
rated at 335kW. Other engine options including Progress ZMKB AI-450, Turbomeca
Arrius 2G and the Klimov VKK-800, which can be fitted to suit the customer's oper-
ating requirements.
The engines each drive individual driveshafts to the reduction gearbox supplied
by OKBM Company in Voronezh.
The engine air intake is fitted with a hot air de-icing system. The de-icing sys-
tems include an alcohol windscreen de-icer, an electrical de-icer for the pitot tube,
and electrothermal de-icing for the rotor blades.
The main fuel tanks have a capacity of 770 litres. Two optional external tanks
provide an additional 320 litres of fuel.
Gidromash, based in Nizhny Novgorod, supplies the landing gear which con-
sists of the main rear units mounted under the stub wings and the forward two-
wheeled unit under the nose. The non-retractable landing gear has oleopneumatic
shock absorbers and pneumatic brakes.
Company of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) for authorized service and warranty work.
The Tu-214 medium to long range airliner is a development of the Tupolev Tu-
204 with higher weight and longer range. The aircraft was designed by Tupolev JSC
of Moscow, Russia and is manufactured at the Kazan Aircraft Production Organisa-
tion (KAPO) in Tatarstan.
The Tupolev Tu-214 was certified in December 2000 against the Russian AP-
25 standards. The aircraft entered service in May 2001 with the Dalavia Airline of
Khabarovsk, on scheduled Russian domestic and international routes. The aircraft has
also entered service with the Russia State Transport organisation. In addition, orders
for the aircraft have been placed by Uralskie Airlines, Atlant-Sojuz and Slovak Air-
lines (two aircraft).