11) that he's packed with high-tech gadgetry
12) that can be run by clicking on icons
13) encoded with their personal preferences
14) who is now a very successful businesswoman
15) that allows him
16) which put him among the top ten students
Bill Gates is the richest private citizen in the world. There is
nothing (a) … . Every morning, when his alarm clock goes off, the
software tycoon is $20 million richer than when he went to bed. His
wealth is based on his company, Microsoft, (b) … . He has a personal
fortune (c) … , which is more than the annual economic output of over
a hundred countries.
He is not shy about spending it. He has built a mansion (d) …
(e) … and TV monitors, some taking up an entire wall. Visitors are
given a smart card (f) … , so that, as they wander from room to room,
their favourite pictures will appear on the screens, and the music they
like will play. The card is programmed so that only the most intimate
friends can open all the doors.
This cold-blooded approach to human relationships also seems
to be true of his love life. When he went out with an ex-girlfriend, Ann
Winblad, (g) … , the couple conducted much of their relationship by
going on virtual dates. Each would drive alone to the same movie at
the same time in different towns, and then talk about it afterwards on
their mobiles, (h) … . When finally he got married, he and his wife,
Melinda, signed a prenuptial agreement (i) … to go on an annual
holiday with his ex-lover, Ann,(j) … .
Gates has been called 'King of the Nerds', but this simply isn't
fair. In the ninth grade at school, he got A's in all the subjects he took,
(k) … in the nation. Gates went on to Harvard University, where he
managed to be in the same class as the girls (l) … by inserting a piece
of software into the college computer. But he never finished college.
When he left, he knew exactly (m) … . He started up his own computer
The reason (n)... is because Gates saw that his fortune lay in
software, not hardware. He became a billionaire at 31, and since then
Microsoft has created Windows, which is a system (o) ... with a
Now the multi-billionaire, (p) ... in two-thirds of the world's
computers, is developing the HPC, or hand-held personal computer. It is
his intention that there should be a computer in the pocket of everybody
in the whole world.
2. Answer the questions.
1. How wealthy is Bill Gates?
2. How much does he earn a day?
3. What is special about his house?
4. What is unusual about his relationships with women?
5. What did he do to the computer at Harvard?
6. What is the secret of his success?
7. What is Windows?
Block 4
Work with a partner and answer these questions:
1. What are considered lucky charms in your country? What is
considered unlucky?
2. Have you got a lucky charm? Are you lucky? Have you ever
won anything? If so, what?
3. Do you play your country's national lottery? If you do, how
do you choose your numbers? What's the most you've ever won? If
you don't play, why not?
4. What would you do if you won in the lottery?
1. Read the article by Carinthia West, which was published
in Tatler magazine. (Tatler is a British magazine which contains
articles on high society; which restaurants to eat in, the right
people to meet, and the most fashionable clothes to be wearing).
Answer these questions:
1. How does the writer usually choose her lottery numbers?
11) that he's packed with high-tech gadgetry Microsoft has created Windows, which is a system (o) ... with a 12) that can be run by clicking on icons mouse. 13) encoded with their personal preferences Now the multi-billionaire, (p) ... in two-thirds of the world's 14) who is now a very successful businesswoman computers, is developing the HPC, or hand-held personal computer. It is 15) that allows him his intention that there should be a computer in the pocket of everybody 16) which put him among the top ten students in the whole world. THE MAN WHO COULD BUY ANYTHING9 2. Answer the questions. 1. How wealthy is Bill Gates? Bill Gates is the richest private citizen in the world. There is 2. How much does he earn a day? nothing (a) … . Every morning, when his alarm clock goes off, the 3. What is special about his house? software tycoon is $20 million richer than when he went to bed. His 4. What is unusual about his relationships with women? wealth is based on his company, Microsoft, (b) … . He has a personal 5. What did he do to the computer at Harvard? fortune (c) … , which is more than the annual economic output of over 6. What is the secret of his success? a hundred countries. 7. What is Windows? He is not shy about spending it. He has built a mansion (d) … (e) … and TV monitors, some taking up an entire wall. Visitors are Block 4 given a smart card (f) … , so that, as they wander from room to room, WINNING THE LOTTERY their favourite pictures will appear on the screens, and the music they like will play. The card is programmed so that only the most intimate SPEAKING friends can open all the doors. This cold-blooded approach to human relationships also seems Work with a partner and answer these questions: to be true of his love life. When he went out with an ex-girlfriend, Ann 1. What are considered lucky charms in your country? What is Winblad, (g) … , the couple conducted much of their relationship by considered unlucky? going on virtual dates. Each would drive alone to the same movie at 2. Have you got a lucky charm? Are you lucky? Have you ever the same time in different towns, and then talk about it afterwards on won anything? If so, what? their mobiles, (h) … . When finally he got married, he and his wife, 3. Do you play your country's national lottery? If you do, how Melinda, signed a prenuptial agreement (i) … to go on an annual do you choose your numbers? What's the most you've ever won? If holiday with his ex-lover, Ann,(j) … . you don't play, why not? Gates has been called 'King of the Nerds', but this simply isn't 4. What would you do if you won in the lottery? fair. In the ninth grade at school, he got A's in all the subjects he took, (k) … in the nation. Gates went on to Harvard University, where he READING managed to be in the same class as the girls (l) … by inserting a piece 1. Read the article by Carinthia West, which was published of software into the college computer. But he never finished college. in Tatler magazine. (Tatler is a British magazine which contains When he left, he knew exactly (m) … . He started up his own computer articles on high society; which restaurants to eat in, the right company. people to meet, and the most fashionable clothes to be wearing). The reason (n)... is because Gates saw that his fortune lay in Answer these questions: software, not hardware. He became a billionaire at 31, and since then 1. How does the writer usually choose her lottery numbers? 53 54
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