Suddenly, he had a brain-wave. Using his knife he fashioned
three wooden sticks of exactly the same length, size and shape and
marked them with an identically shaped notch. Then, calling the others
together he said, 'I have a solution to our problems. Look here. I have
made three special sticks and I'm going to give us one each. Now if
any of us requires something from the other, instead of giving goods in
exchange, we will give this stick.'
'Preposterous!' exclaimed the others. 'Do you mean to say that
for a worthless looking stick like that, you expect us to part with our
valuable merchandise?'
'Yes', replied the shoemaker, 'let's try it out.'
'Alright' said the tailor, 'here's my stick, and can I have the pair
of shoes I asked you for?'
'Certainly', said the shoemaker, handing him the shoes.
'Here's my stick,' said the farmer to the tailor, 'can I have the
coat please?'
'Er, yes...', replied the tailor, handing him the coat.
'But,' said the farmer, 'I'm left without a stick now!'
'No you're not,' said the shoemaker, 'you can have one of the
two sticks I have in exchange for that bag of corn.'
'Why, yes, certainly. Of course you may have it.' replied the
'So you see,' said the shoemaker, 'we have now all got what we
wanted, and we still have one stick left each. Let us call these sticks
'Yes!' they all agreed, and they lived happily ever after.
(from www.gipe.freeserve.co.uk)
Block 7
1. Переведите части предложений, которые даны в
скобках по-русски.
1. The taxable income next year is expected to be (выше, чем)
this year.
2. In a period of rapid inflation, money cannot perform its
function as a store of value (так же хорошо, как) in periods with no
or low inflation. This function comes to be (чаще) performed by real
property assets (чем) by money.
3. The purchasing power of money is (намного ниже, чем) a
year ago.
4. In Russia, the prices for farm products did not rise (так же
значительно, как) the prices for inputs over the past decade.
5. If the demand for pounds is falling, it reflects the fact that
pounds become (менее дорогие) to Americans and British goods,
services, and assets can be bought (дешевле). This will make Ameri-
cans demand (бóльшие количества) of British goods, and finally
(бóльшие суммы) of pounds.
6. (Чем больше) labour is invested in a commodity, (тем выше)
is its price.
7. Deutschemarks are known to have been used in post-
communist Russia both as a unit of account and a store of value,
though (не так широко, как) US dollars.
8. In the Russia of the late 1990s, the attractiveness (привле-
кательность) of gold bullions (слиток) as a store of value was (не
такая высокая, как) the Central Bank had expected, for people could
not sell them (no той же цене, которую) they paid for them.
2. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Loan is a sum of money which is borrowed by a person or
business from another person or business, a bank in particular, and
which is to be repaid within a certain period of time with interest.
2. The prices must have been temporarily depressed as a result
of accumulated public stores of essential goods and the government
programmes of producer support.
3. Although it was prohibited to use foreign currency as a
medium of exchange or a means of payment, it is known to have been
widely used as such in the Russia of the 1990s.
4. Middle price is the price for foreign currency or commodity
which lies halfway between the actual buying price and the actual
selling price quoted by dealers. Prices and exchange rates published in
newspapers are actually middle prices.
5. The exchange rate of national currency against foreign
currency is a reliable enough indicator of the domestic economy
stability and its attractiveness for foreign investors.
Suddenly, he had a brain-wave. Using his knife he fashioned or low inflation. This function comes to be (чаще) performed by real three wooden sticks of exactly the same length, size and shape and property assets (чем) by money. marked them with an identically shaped notch. Then, calling the others 3. The purchasing power of money is (намного ниже, чем) a together he said, 'I have a solution to our problems. Look here. I have year ago. made three special sticks and I'm going to give us one each. Now if 4. In Russia, the prices for farm products did not rise (так же any of us requires something from the other, instead of giving goods in значительно, как) the prices for inputs over the past decade. exchange, we will give this stick.' 5. If the demand for pounds is falling, it reflects the fact that 'Preposterous!' exclaimed the others. 'Do you mean to say that pounds become (менее дорогие) to Americans and British goods, for a worthless looking stick like that, you expect us to part with our services, and assets can be bought (дешевле). This will make Ameri- valuable merchandise?' cans demand (бóльшие количества) of British goods, and finally 'Yes', replied the shoemaker, 'let's try it out.' (бóльшие суммы) of pounds. 'Alright' said the tailor, 'here's my stick, and can I have the pair 6. (Чем больше) labour is invested in a commodity, (тем выше) of shoes I asked you for?' is its price. 'Certainly', said the shoemaker, handing him the shoes. 7. Deutschemarks are known to have been used in post- 'Here's my stick,' said the farmer to the tailor, 'can I have the communist Russia both as a unit of account and a store of value, coat please?' though (не так широко, как) US dollars. 'Er, yes...', replied the tailor, handing him the coat. 8. In the Russia of the late 1990s, the attractiveness (привле- 'But,' said the farmer, 'I'm left without a stick now!' кательность) of gold bullions (слиток) as a store of value was (не 'No you're not,' said the shoemaker, 'you can have one of the такая высокая, как) the Central Bank had expected, for people could two sticks I have in exchange for that bag of corn.' not sell them (no той же цене, которую) they paid for them. 'Why, yes, certainly. Of course you may have it.' replied the 2. Переведите предложения на русский язык. farmer. 1. Loan is a sum of money which is borrowed by a person or 'So you see,' said the shoemaker, 'we have now all got what we business from another person or business, a bank in particular, and wanted, and we still have one stick left each. Let us call these sticks which is to be repaid within a certain period of time with interest. MONEY.' 2. The prices must have been temporarily depressed as a result 'Yes!' they all agreed, and they lived happily ever after. of accumulated public stores of essential goods and the government (from www.gipe.freeserve.co.uk) programmes of producer support. 3. Although it was prohibited to use foreign currency as a Block 7 medium of exchange or a means of payment, it is known to have been MONEY: TOPIC EXPANSION12 widely used as such in the Russia of the 1990s. 4. Middle price is the price for foreign currency or commodity 1. Переведите части предложений, которые даны в скобках по-русски. which lies halfway between the actual buying price and the actual 1. The taxable income next year is expected to be (выше, чем) selling price quoted by dealers. Prices and exchange rates published in this year. newspapers are actually middle prices. 2. In a period of rapid inflation, money cannot perform its 5. The exchange rate of national currency against foreign function as a store of value (так же хорошо, как) in periods with no currency is a reliable enough indicator of the domestic economy stability and its attractiveness for foreign investors. 103 104
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