Деньги - Money. Невежина С.Б - 73 стр.


All the things I could do
If I had a little money
It's a rich man's world
Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich man's world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich man's world
All the things I could do
If I had a little money
It’s a rich man's world
It’s a rich man's world
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The Beatles.
(John Lennon & Paul McCartney)
Can't buy me love, love
Can't buy me love
I'll buy you a diamond ring, my friend, if it makes you feel alright.
I'll get you anything, my friend, if it makes you feel alright.
'Cause I don't care too much for money, money can't buy me love
I'll give you all I got to give, if you say you love me too.
I may not have a lot to give but what I got I'll give to you,
I don't care too much for money, money can't buy me love.
Can't buy me love, everybody tells me so,
Can't buy me love, no no no, no.
Say you don't need no diamond ring and I'll be satisfied,
Tell me that you want the kind of thing that money just can't buy.
I don't care too much for money, money can't buy me love
1. Accounts – financial records showing how much money a
person or organization has earned, spent in a fixed period of time
2. Blackmail – force a person to make a payment of money for
not making known smth to harm his character
3. Bribery – giving or taking of bribes (smth given, offered, or
promised in order to persuade or influence a person (often to do smth
4. Cash – coins and notes
5. Debt – the amount which one person owes to another one
6. Forgery – the production of false coins and notes
7. Interest – you receive a percentage of money on top of the
money you're saving in a bank
8. Loan – a sum of money which someone borrows for a fixed
period of time
9. Profit – the money you take by selling smth at a higher price
than you bought or made it for
10. Quid – pound (Br. slang)
11. Wages – the money earned by people who have got jobs,
may go up (a wage rise), or down (a wage cut)
a money box = a piggy bank – копилка
hush money – плата за молчание
mad money – небольшая сумма денег, припрятанная (особ.
женщиной) для непредвиденных или мелких расходов
pin money – карманные деньги
old money – потомственное богатство
to be / hard up (short of money) – испытывать нехватку денег
to be broke (penniless) – быть бедным, без гроша
to get / pay a ransom – получить/заплатить выкуп за
to have money to burn – денег куры не клюют
to coin money – быстро богатеть, наживаться
Aha-ahaaa                                                                    LIST OF MONEY WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS
All the things I could do
If I had a little money                                                       A
It's a rich man's world                                                       1. Accounts – financial records showing how much money a
Money, money, money                                                     person or organization has earned, spent in a fixed period of time
Must be funny                                                                 2. Blackmail – force a person to make a payment of money for
In the rich man's world                                                 not making known smth to harm his character
Money, money, money                                                           3. Bribery – giving or taking of bribes (smth given, offered, or
Always sunny                                                            promised in order to persuade or influence a person (often to do smth
In the rich man's world                                                 wrong)
Aha-ahaaa                                                                     4. Cash – coins and notes
All the things I could do                                                     5. Debt – the amount which one person owes to another one
If I had a little money                                                       6. Forgery – the production of false coins and notes
It’s a rich man's world                                                       7. Interest – you receive a percentage of money on top of the
It’s a rich man's world                                                 money you're saving in a bank
                                                                              8. Loan – a sum of money which someone borrows for a fixed
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                                                                        period of time
                                                                              9. Profit – the money you take by selling smth at a higher price
     The Beatles. CAN'T BUY ME LOVE, LOVE
                                                                        than you bought or made it for
          (John Lennon & Paul McCartney)
                                                                             10. Quid – pound (Br. slang)
                                                                             11. Wages – the money earned by people who have got jobs,
Can't buy me love, love
                                                                        may go up (a wage rise), or down (a wage cut)
Can't buy me love
I'll buy you a diamond ring, my friend, if it makes you feel alright.
I'll get you anything, my friend, if it makes you feel alright.
'Cause I don't care too much for money, money can't buy me love             a money box = a piggy bank – копилка
I'll give you all I got to give, if you say you love me too.                hush money – плата за молчание
I may not have a lot to give but what I got I'll give to you,               mad money – небольшая сумма денег, припрятанная (особ.
I don't care too much for money, money can't buy me love.               женщиной) для непредвиденных или мелких расходов
Can't buy me love, everybody tells me so,                                   pin money – карманные деньги
Can't buy me love, no no no, no.                                            old money – потомственное богатство
                                                                            to be / hard up (short of money) – испытывать нехватку денег
Say you don't need no diamond ring and I'll be satisfied,                   to be broke (penniless) – быть бедным, без гроша
Tell me that you want the kind of thing that money just can't buy.          to get / pay a ransom – получить/заплатить выкуп за
I don't care too much for money, money can't buy me love                    to have money to burn – денег куры не клюют
                                                                            to coin money – быстро богатеть, наживаться

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