Английский язык для исследователей (English for Researchers). Никульшина Н.Л - 34 стр.


3. Academic journals are never available on the Internet
4. While reviewing the literature you do not need to assess the
strengths and weaknesses of previous work, including omissions
and bias
5. For your review to be critical you don’t need to make reasoned
judgements regarding the value of others’ work to your research
6. By fully acknowledging the work of others you will avoid
charges of plagiarism
5. Match the following ways of literature review with their explanations and examples:
1 compilation 5 interpretation
2 confrontation 6 thesis support
3 disputation 7 allegiance
4 collation
a. simply adding similar quotations from various sources and giving short comments on the contents of these quo-
tations. E.g.:
b. adding quotations from one source to another and emphasizing the difference in ideas. E.g.:
c. giving a quotation from a literary source and arguing with it. E.g.:
d. putting together two quotations which hold a different view and/ or contradict each other. E.g.:
e. quoting from a source and giving it one’s full support. E.g.:
f. giving a quotation from a source and bringing to the surface what seems to be hidden between the lines. E.g.:
g. formulating one’s own thesis and supporting it with a quotation from a literary source. E.g.:
6. Find Russian equivalents of the English words used in the text.
1) enhance v.
a) обоснование, оправдание
2) emerge v.
b) отбирать образцы, пробовать
3) implicitly adv.
c) увеличивать, усиливать, повышать
Observations have shown that … This is supported by A who did the re-
search earlier and also came to the finding
says in the article that … This may mean that either … or perhaps …
writes in this book that … One can’t but agree on this principle be-
cause it really seems that … One couldn’t agree more to this idea …
A says in his article that… B argues with this point and insists that
C has a com
erent a
roach because as he/ she thinks ...
says in his/ her article that … This does not seem very convincing be-
cause as experience shows …
says in his/ her article that … B agrees with A but stresses the impor-
tance of … C also deals with this problem but focuses the attention on …
A writes that … B agrees with A and adds that … C also writes
about it and confirms that…