Business writing (деловое письмо). Палагина С.С. - 118 стр.



The double bind of writing
It is simply a fact that you can’t find the right words until you know exactly
what you are saying but that you can’t know what you are saying until you find the
right words. The consequence is you must start by writing the wrong meanings in the
wrong words, but keep writing till you get the right meanings in the right words. Only
at the end will you know what you are saying. … You should throw lots (early words
and phrases) away, because by the end you’ll have a different focus, or angle on what
you are writing, if not a whole new subject. To keep these earlier words would ruin
the final product. It’s like scaffolding. There is no short-cut by which you can avoid
building it, even though it can’t be part of your final building.
1) Concentrate on ideas and not on language, grammar or punctuation;
2) Write as quickly as you can for 3 minutes and don’t stop writing;
3) Don’t stop to cross out or correct mistakes;
4) If you can’t think of a word or phrase, either wtite it in your own language or
leave a blank space;
5) Return to the above problems when you have finished and use a dictionary to
translate these words or phrases.
Teachers or students work together motivated with the concern to clarify the
writer’s intentions.
10.12 Pair Work
10.12.1Choose a partner to work with
Your task Partner’s task
Read your work aloud listen carefully to your partner's reading
Both of you
Try and answer the following questions:
1) Do you think the writing is interesting/enjoyable?
2) Is there anything missing in this piece?
3) Is there anything which is not clear or accurate?
4) Can you suggest any helpful words or expressions?
5) Can you suggest a more suitable beginning or ending to the piece?
Do you think it is too long or too short?
7) Can anything be missed out?
8) Has the writer written what he/she was asked to do?
9) Write down suggested improvements on a separate piece of paper.
        The double bind of writing
      It is simply a fact that you can’t find the right words until you know exactly
what you are saying but that you can’t know what you are saying until you find the
right words. The consequence is you must start by writing the wrong meanings in the
wrong words, but keep writing till you get the right meanings in the right words. Only
at the end will you know what you are saying. … You should throw lots (early words
and phrases) away, because by the end you’ll have a different focus, or angle on what
you are writing, if not a whole new subject. To keep these earlier words would ruin
the final product. It’s like scaffolding. There is no short-cut by which you can avoid
building it, even though it can’t be part of your final building.

     1) Concentrate on ideas and not on language, grammar or punctuation;
     2) Write as quickly as you can for 3 minutes and don’t stop writing;
     3) Don’t stop to cross out or correct mistakes;
     4) If you can’t think of a word or phrase, either wtite it in your own language or
leave a blank space;
     5) Return to the above problems when you have finished and use a dictionary to
translate these words or phrases.

     Teachers or students work together motivated with the concern to clarify the
writer’s intentions.

      10.12 Pair Work

      10.12.1Choose a partner to work with

     Your task                                Partner’s task
     Read your work aloud                    listen carefully to your partner's reading
      Both of you
     Try and answer the following questions:

     1) Do you think the writing is interesting/enjoyable?
     2) Is there anything missing in this piece?
     3) Is there anything which is not clear or accurate?
     4) Can you suggest any helpful words or expressions?
     5) Can you suggest a more suitable beginning or ending to the piece?
     6) Do you think it is too long or too short?
     7) Can anything be missed out?
     8) Has the writer written what he/she was asked to do?
     9) Write down suggested improvements on a separate piece of paper.
