Практикум по английскому языку (по истории Англии Средних веков). Пилипенко В.А - 9 стр.


I. Read text I and find the key-terms. They are:
èìåòü òåíäåíöèþ, âîæäè è çíàòü, çàõâàò÷èê, óêëàä, ðàáñêèé
òðóä, ðîäîâàÿ ãðóïïà, ðàçäåëåíèå òðóäà, çàâîåâàòåëü, ÷ëåí ðîäà.
II. Match a line in A with a line in B.
a. The immigrants who came
from the Mediterranean Brittany
1. and made an open-sea
passage from Cornwell.
b. The Iberians followed the
Biscay coast of France
2. entered Britain in 700 B. C.
c. The whole lay-out of Iberian’s
3. was the kinship group or family
d. The first wave of Celtic
4. are known as the Iberian race
e. The Celtic invaders 5. points to a certain specialization
and division of labour.
f. The basic unit of the Celtic
6. were tall, fair- haired and warlike
Ø. Prepare for the seminar on «England in Middle Ages». Answer
the questions:
1. What was the ancient population of Britain?
2. Where did they come from?
3. Where did they tend to expand?
4. What did their lay-out point to?
5. What was their social structure?
6. When was the first wave of invasion?
7. What was the basic unit of the Celtic tribe?
8. Was Celtic tribal society classless?
                       ASSIGNMENT TO TEXT I

I. Read text I and find the key-terms. They are:
     èìåòü òåíäåíöèþ, âîæäè è çíàòü, çàõâàò÷èê, óêëàä, ðàáñêèé
òðóä, ðîäîâàÿ ãðóïïà, ðàçäåëåíèå òðóäà, çàâîåâàòåëü, ÷ëåí ðîäà.

II. Match a line in A with a line in B.

                   A                                     B
  a. The immigrants who came          1. and made an open-sea
  from the Mediterranean Brittany     passage from Cornwell.
  b. The Iberians followed the        2. entered Britain in 700 B. C.
  Biscay coast of France
  c. The whole lay-out of Iberian’s   3. was the kinship group or family
  civilization                        enlarged
  d. The first wave of Celtic         4. are known as the Iberian race
  e. The Celtic invaders              5. points to a certain specialization
                                      and division of labour.
  f. The basic unit of the Celtic     6. were tall, fair- haired and warlike
  tribe                               tribes

Ø. Prepare for the seminar on «England in Middle Ages». Answer
the questions:
     1. What was the ancient population of Britain?
     2. Where did they come from?
     3. Where did they tend to expand?
     4. What did their lay-out point to?
     5. What was their social structure?
     6. When was the first wave of invasion?
     7. What was the basic unit of the Celtic tribe?
     8. Was Celtic tribal society classless?
