World religions. Рахимбергенова М.Х. - 16 стр.



deputy of the USSR. He is Chairman of the Presidium of the Conference of
European Churches. Among his many awards there is the Order of the Red
Banner of Labor and two Orders of Friendship of Peoples (from Moscow News,
April 22 28, 1994).
Task 1. Resume the main idea.
Task 2. Make up 15 questions.
Task 3. Make up the plan and be ready to speak on any point of it.
Part V
The Bible
The Bible (Greek biblia books) is a set of books comprising the Chris-
tian Scripture. The Bible consists of two parts, the Old Testament (50 books)
and the New Testament (27 books). The Old Testament is written in Hebrew,
while the New Testament is written in Greek. The first Biblical texts appeared
in the 12th century B.C., and the latest texts date back to the beginning of the
2nd century A.D.
The content of the Bible is presented in the form of message of God to the
people, and the narration of the way people listened to their Creator. The Old
Testament is the expectation of Christ and the prophecy of his Advent. The
Gospel describes Christs life, sermons, sufferings and His Resurrection. The
Acts of the Apostles and their letters depict the first steps of the early Christians.
The Apocalypse brings reader to the events preceeding the second coming of
Each Biblical book has its title: Exodus, The Book of Daniel, The Gospel
According to Luke, and The letter of Paul to the Romans. As a rule, when quot-
ing the Bible, they never supply the full title of the book, using instead its ab-
breviation (e. g. “Ex”, Dan, Rom”). So that to make it easier to find the ex-
act source of the quotation used by the preacher, the reference is made to the ti-
tle of the book, the number of the chapter and that of the verse in question. For
instance, the reference to Rom”. 12:9 signifies that the text quoted is taken
from the Letter of Paul to The Romans, Chapter 12, Verse 9.
The Old Testament was originally written almost entirely in Hebrew, with
a few short elements in Aramaic. That language became the lingua franca of the
area when the Persian Empire controlled the Mediterranean region. The New
Testament books were first written in Greek, with some parts appearing in Ara-
maic, which was the native language of Jesus Christ.
The first major step towards making the Old Testament known worldwide
was made by the translation of it into Greek. The miraculous work is said to
have been requested by Ptolemy II, king of Egypt (285?247?) and was the
work of 70 Jewish translators who spent 72 days in isolation from each other
but finally produced the versions that turned out to be identical. The translation
is known under the name of Septuagintand became the base of the first part
of the Christian Bible. The early Christian Church, whose language was Greek,
used the Septuagint as its Bible, and it is still the Standard version of the Old
Testament in the Greek Church.
The Latin version of the Bible was prepared mainly by Jerome (c. 342–
420) in the late 4th (c. 384–405), who translated it directly from Hebrew text of
the Old Testament making use of the Septuagint Greek translation as well. This
version, known as Vulgate(from the Latin word vulgata, public) is used by
the Roman Catholic Church in the recension of 1592, the Council of Trent hav-
ing decreed in 1546 that the Vulgate was to be the sole Latin authority for the
The spread of Christianity necessitated translations of the Bible into Cop-
tic, Ethiopian, and Gothic. Later on the Church successfully resisted further
translation of the Bible till the era of the Reformation when new versions of it
in European languages were made.
The Russian Pravoslavnaya Church uses in its liturgy the translation which
was basically made by the enlighteners of Slavs Kirill and Mefodii (Cyril and
Methodius). The Church Slavonic language of the translation has never been
vernacular but was very close to this status and comprehensible to all Slavs, and
that made the basic difference between Russian and Western cultures, because
the latter had used the Latin translation of the Bible up to the period of Refor-
The Elizavetinskaya Bible, published in 1756, has been accepted as the ca-
nonical text of the RPCh. The complete translation of the Bible into Russian
(The Synodal Translation) was published in 1876. There have been made sev-
eral attempts in the 20th century to create a new version, but none has been suc-
Task 1. Translate into Russian.
Task 2. Be ready to give information about (on) any proper name mentioned in
the text.
deputy of the USSR. He is Chairman of the Presidium of the Conference of                 have been requested by Ptolemy II, king of Egypt (285?–247?) and was the
European Churches. Among his many awards there is the Order of the Red                   work of 70 Jewish translators who spent 72 days in isolation from each other
Banner of Labor and two Orders of Friendship of Peoples (from Moscow News,               but finally produced the versions that turned out to be identical. The translation
April 22 – 28, 1994).                                                                    is known under the name of “Septuagint” and became the base of the first part
Task 1. Resume the main idea.                                                            of the Christian Bible. The early Christian Church, whose language was Greek,
                                                                                         used the Septuagint as its Bible, and it is still the Standard version of the Old
Task 2. Make up 15 questions.                                                            Testament in the Greek Church.
Task 3. Make up the plan and be ready to speak on any point of it.                            The Latin version of the Bible was prepared mainly by Jerome (c. 342–
                                                                                         420) in the late 4th (c. 384–405), who translated it directly from Hebrew text of
                                                                                         the Old Testament making use of the Septuagint Greek translation as well. This
                                                                                         version, known as “Vulgate” (from the Latin word vulgata, “public”) is used by
Part V                                                                                   the Roman Catholic Church in the recension of 1592, the Council of Trent hav-
                                                                                         ing decreed in 1546 that the Vulgate was to be the sole Latin authority for the
                                     The Bible
     The Bible (Greek biblia “books”) is a set of books comprising the Chris-                 The spread of Christianity necessitated translations of the Bible into Cop-
tian Scripture. The Bible consists of two parts, the Old Testament (50 books)            tic, Ethiopian, and Gothic. Later on the Church successfully resisted further
and the New Testament (27 books). The Old Testament is written in Hebrew,                translation of the Bible till the era of the Reformation when new versions of it
while the New Testament is written in Greek. The first Biblical texts appeared           in European languages were made.
in the 12th century B.C., and the latest texts date back to the beginning of the              The Russian Pravoslavnaya Church uses in its liturgy the translation which
2nd century A.D.                                                                         was basically made by the enlighteners of Slavs Kirill and Mefodii (Cyril and
     The content of the Bible is presented in the form of message of God to the          Methodius). The Church Slavonic language of the translation has never been
people, and the narration of the way people listened to their Creator. The Old           vernacular but was very close to this status and comprehensible to all Slavs, and
Testament is the expectation of Christ and the prophecy of his Advent. The               that made the basic difference between Russian and Western cultures, because
Gospel describes Christ’s life, sermons, sufferings and His Resurrection. The            the latter had used the Latin translation of the Bible up to the period of Refor-
Acts of the Apostles and their letters depict the first steps of the early Christians.   mation.
The Apocalypse brings reader to the events preceeding the second coming of                    The Elizavetinskaya Bible, published in 1756, has been accepted as the ca-
Christ.                                                                                  nonical text of the RPCh. The complete translation of the Bible into Russian
     Each Biblical book has its title: Exodus, The Book of Daniel, The Gospel            (The Synodal Translation) was published in 1876. There have been made sev-
According to Luke, and The letter of Paul to the Romans. As a rule, when quot-           eral attempts in the 20th century to create a new version, but none has been suc-
ing the Bible, they never supply the full title of the book, using instead its ab-       cessful.
breviation (e. g. “Ex”, “Dan”, “Rom”). So that to make it easier to find the ex-
act source of the quotation used by the preacher, the reference is made to the ti-       Task 1. Translate into Russian.
tle of the book, the number of the chapter and that of the verse in question. For
                                                                                         Task 2. Be ready to give information about (on) any proper name mentioned in
instance, the reference to “Rom”. 12:9 signifies that the text quoted is taken
                                                                                         the text.
from the Letter of Paul to The Romans, Chapter 12, Verse 9.
     The Old Testament was originally written almost entirely in Hebrew, with
a few short elements in Aramaic. That language became the lingua franca of the
area when the Persian Empire controlled the Mediterranean region. The New
Testament books were first written in Greek, with some parts appearing in Ara-
maic, which was the native language of Jesus Christ.
     The first major step towards making the Old Testament known worldwide
was made by the translation of it into Greek. The miraculous work is said to
                                         31                                                                                     32