World religions. Рахимбергенова М.Х. - 6 стр.



Task 3. Translate the words and word-combinations given in brackets into Eng-
lish. Consult the prompt in the box:
To withstand criticism; to concern oneself with; phenomena; since the time
immemorial; the cause; fundamentals; to illuminate; to construct a scheme; the
crudest; second; fixed; to throw into relief; beyond scholar’s grasp; criteria;
first; arbitrary; the dynamics; third; to appreciate; few errors have been more
damaging; to define; to excite; perfect; shortcomings; to contribute to; summing
up the above said.
Religion is one of the (явлений) that (волнует) the human mind (с
незапамятных времен). And the man always (занимался, интересовался)
analyzing and estimating religious experience. There were a lot of attempts to
build classifications but all of them do not (выдерживают критики) as they
have a lot of (недостатков). But even the (самая грубая) and most subjective
classifications (рельефно, выпукло отражает) various aspects of religious
life and thus (вносит вклад в) (дело) of understanding.
Although a (совершенная) classification is (недосягаемая для современ-
ных ученых), certain (критерии) may be suggested for building classifications.
(Во-первых), a classification should not be (случайной, произвольной). (Во-
вторых), it should (интересоваться, заниматься) (основным, главным) of
religion. (В-третьих), it is desirable that a classification demonstrate (дина-
мику) of religious life. (Мало какие ошибки были более вредны) than viewing
religious systems as static (неподвижные) and ahistorical. In addition it must
(определить) what exactly is to be classified. (Учитывая все вышесказанное)
it should be possible to (создать такую схему) that (прольет свет, разъяс-
нит) man’s religious history.
Task 4. Translate the following text into Russian:
Religion is invariably theistic. It involves belief in a personal living, and
spiritual God, distinct from the world that he has created as the human mind is
felt to be distinct from what it knows. Various forms of theism exist, however.
The Old Testament shows a progress from henotheism (belief that the commu-
nity must be loyal to one god only) to monotheism (belief that this god is the
one and only God). Other forms of theism are polytheism, belief in many gods,
which includes usually at least a vague apprehension that the many are aspects
of one; pantheism, the belief that God is simply all things in the universe (al-
though this type of belief is historically a philosophical idea rather than a reli-
gious belief); and panentheism, the belief that every creature is an appearance
or manifestation of God, who is conceived of as the divine actor playing at once
the innumerable parts of humans, animals, plants, stars, and natural forces.
Religion is therefore communal faith in and conformity to the pattern that
thought discovers, or has revealed to it, as the will or commandment of the in-
telligence behind the world. The community binds itself to this pattern as its
rule of life consisting of three elements the creed, the code, and the cult.
Creed is faith in the revealed pattern and in the divine intelligence that gave it.
Code is the divinely sanctioned and authorized system of human laws and mor-
als comprising the rules of active participation in society. Cult is the ritual of
worship, or symbolic acts, whereby the community brings its mind into accord
with the mind of God, either by ceremonial dances or dramatic reenactments of
the deeds of God, or by sacrificial meals held in common between God and his
people. It is from this last-mentioned type of cult that, for example, the Chris-
tian Mass or communion service is derived.
Task 5. Write an essay on one of the following topics:
1. Construct your classification of religions.
2. Role and place of faith in the life of people.
3. Speak on any religion, its origins and influence on the life of people.
4. The role of religion in historical development.
Part III
What is a definition?
When writing a definition essay, the writer enters the world of classifica-
tion. Through classification, we analyze a subject by dividing it into categories.
First we find what all of the categories have in common the “common charac-
teristics and then we seek to determine how each of the categories can be
distinguished from one another.
This is precisely what a definition is: the process of putting nouns in cate-
gories or “classes”. In a definition, we show how the item or concept to be de-
fined is part of a broader category and how it is different from the other mem-
bers of this category. The box that follows gives examples.
Member\Smaller class
Larger class
Specific details
1. a rabbi a religious leader Judaism
2. a mullah a religious leader Islam
3. rabbis and mullahs religious leaders
Task 3. Translate the words and word-combinations given in brackets into Eng-               Religion is therefore communal faith in and conformity to the pattern that
lish. Consult the prompt in the box:                                                  thought discovers, or has revealed to it, as the will or commandment of the in-
      To withstand criticism; to concern oneself with; phenomena; since the time      telligence behind the world. The community binds itself to this pattern as its
immemorial; the cause; fundamentals; to illuminate; to construct a scheme; the        rule of life consisting of three elements – the creed, the code, and the cult.
crudest; second; fixed; to throw into relief; beyond scholar’s grasp; criteria;       Creed is faith in the revealed pattern and in the divine intelligence that gave it.
first; arbitrary; the dynamics; third; to appreciate; few errors have been more       Code is the divinely sanctioned and authorized system of human laws and mor-
damaging; to define; to excite; perfect; shortcomings; to contribute to; summing      als comprising the rules of active participation in society. Cult is the ritual of
up the above said.                                                                    worship, or symbolic acts, whereby the community brings its mind into accord
                                                                                      with the mind of God, either by ceremonial dances or dramatic reenactments of
      Religion is one of the (явлений) that (волнует) the human mind (с               the deeds of God, or by sacrificial meals held in common between God and his
незапамятных времен). And the man always (занимался, интересовался)                   people. It is from this last-mentioned type of cult that, for example, the Chris-
analyzing and estimating religious experience. There were a lot of attempts to        tian Mass or communion service is derived.
build classifications but all of them do not (выдерживают критики) as they
have a lot of (недостатков). But even the (самая грубая) and most subjective          Task 5. Write an essay on one of the following topics:
classifications (рельефно, выпукло отражает) various aspects of religious
life and thus (вносит вклад в) (дело) of understanding.                                   1. Construct your classification of religions.
      Although a (совершенная) classification is (недосягаемая для современ-              2. Role and place of faith in the life of people.
ных ученых), certain (критерии) may be suggested for building classifications.            3. Speak on any religion, its origins and influence on the life of people.
(Во-первых), a classification should not be (случайной, произвольной). (Во-               4. The role of religion in historical development.
вторых), it should (интересоваться, заниматься) (основным, главным) of
religion. (В-третьих), it is desirable that a classification demonstrate (дина-
мику) of religious life. (Мало какие ошибки были более вредны) than viewing           Part III
religious systems as static (неподвижные) and ahistorical. In addition it must
(определить) what exactly is to be classified. (Учитывая все вышесказанное)                                         What is a definition?
it should be possible to (создать такую схему) that (прольет свет, разъяс-                  When writing a definition essay, the writer enters the world of classifica-
нит) man’s religious history.                                                         tion. Through classification, we analyze a subject by dividing it into categories.
                                                                                      First we find what all of the categories have in common – the “common charac-
Task 4. Translate the following text into Russian:                                    teristics” – and then we seek to determine how each of the categories can be
      Religion is invariably theistic. It involves belief in a personal living, and   distinguished from one another.
spiritual God, distinct from the world that he has created as the human mind is             This is precisely what a definition is: the process of putting nouns in cate-
felt to be distinct from what it knows. Various forms of theism exist, however.       gories or “classes”. In a definition, we show how the item or concept to be de-
The Old Testament shows a progress from henotheism (belief that the commu-            fined is part of a broader category and how it is different from the other mem-
nity must be loyal to one god only) to monotheism (belief that this god is the        bers of this category. The box that follows gives examples.
one and only God). Other forms of theism are polytheism, belief in many gods,
which includes usually at least a vague apprehension that the many are aspects                Classification               Larger class           Specific details
of one; pantheism, the belief that God is simply all things in the universe (al-           Member\Smaller class
though this type of belief is historically a philosophical idea rather than a reli-      1. a rabbi                  a religious leader        Judaism
gious belief); and panentheism, the belief that every creature is an appearance
or manifestation of God, who is conceived of as the divine actor playing at once         2. a mullah                 a religious leader        Islam
the innumerable parts of humans, animals, plants, stars, and natural forces.
                                                                                         3. rabbis and mullahs       religious leaders

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