eral background; it simply adheres to the surface. Additives can be used to modify the properties of the film to
ensure adequate vapour diffusion without affecting the great weather resistance it possesses. Since the water-
absorbing and vapour-diffusing properties of paints can be determined in the manufacturing process, planners
are confronted with something of a dilemma. Dispersions are easy to work and strongly resistant to moisture. In
addition, as described above, they form a surface-sealing film. Silicate-based paints, on the other hand, form an
open-pore, mineral-based finish and absorb more moisture. Industry has, therefore, modified the manufacturing
processes to combine some of the positive properties of both products.
Single-component silicate dispersion paints may contain a maximum of 5 per cent organic material. They
adhere to all mineral backgrounds and combine the advantage of silicate paints (high permeability to moisture)
with the low water-absorption property of dispersions. Additives can also be used with these products to im-
prove durability and adhesion, and to ensure uniform coloration during the drying process. The low dispersion
content means that no surface film is formed, but the amount of water absorption is reduced without negatively
affecting the vapour-diffusing quality.
Silicone-resin paints consist of synthetic (mostly acrylate) dispersions, pigments, fillers and silicone-resin
emulsions. These products are increasingly taking the place of dispersions, since they eliminate the disadvan-
tages of purely silicate-based systems. As with dispersion systems, when the synthetic dispersion content is low
(about 5 per cent), the water repellence of the paint will be high (low W-value), yet it will possess good vapour
diffusing properties (low S-value). The dispersion content is nevertheless necessary to reduce the degree of
chalking and to ensure surface resistance to abrasion.
Regardless of the different compositions of paints, all coatings can be compared in their perceptible colour
tones, and various colour systems have been developed for this purpose. In the absence of recognised interna-
tional standards, many countries have their own coding systems. In Germany, the most commonly used is the
PAL colour tone register. Paints for rendering and facades are sometimes classified according to the Scandina-
vian "natural colour system" (NCS), which is based on six basic colours: black, white, blue, red, yellow and
green. More spatial definition is provided by colour codes based on the C/E system. In this case, the classifica-
tion is derived from sensory physiological measurements translated into mathematical models.
Despite all these attempts at classification, however, the effect of coating systems is strongly dependent on
the perception of the observer, the materials used and the lighting conditions, so that even today it is still possi-
ble to observe "captive sunlight" on facades.
Vocabulary List
– adjoining – граничащий, примыкающий, прилегающий, соседний
– a coating – слой (краски), покрытие, грунт
– conventional – обычный, общепринятый, традиционный
– a surface – поверхность
– adhesion – прилипание, слипание, присоединение
– permeability – проницаемость
– to take account of – придавать значение
– binding – обязательный, связующий, вяжущий
– alkyd resin – алкидный полимер
– solvent – растворитель
– non–volatile – долговременный, не разрушающийся
– manganese – марганец
– charcoal – древесный уголь
– curd – творог
– lime – известь
– to schedule – намечать, планировать
– syrupy – похожий на сироп
– to soak – вымачивать, отмачивать, пропитывать(ся)
– to contain – вмещать, содержать в себе
– an additive – присадка, добавка
– abrasion – стирание, смыв, снашивание
– perceptible – различимый, заметный
– despite – вопреки, несмотря на
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