Идентификация объектов управления. Семенов А.Д - 214 стр.


121. Nissinen A. S., Koivisto H. Identification of multivariate Volterra series
using genetic algorithms // Proc. Second Nordic Workshop on Genetic Algorithms
and their Applications. Vaasa, Finland, Aug. 1996. P. 151162.
Nowak R. D. Wavelet-based transformations for nonlinear signal
processing // IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing. 1997. ¹ 2.
Nussbaumer H. J. Fast polynomial transform algorithms for digital
convolution // IEEE Trans. Acoust., Speech and Signal Processing. 1980.
V. 28. ¹ 2. P. 205215.
Palmieri F., Boucelet C. G. Frequency analysis and synthesis of a class
of nonlinear filters // IEEE Trans. on Acoust., Speech and Signal Processing. 1990.
V. 38. ¹ 8. P. 13631372.
Papoulis A. Minimum bias window for high-resolution spectral
estimates // IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory. 1973. V. 19. ¹ 1. P. 912.
Peyton-Jones J. C., Billings S. A. Describing functions, Volterra series,
and the analysis of non-linear systems in the frequency domain // Int. Journal of
Control. 1991. V. 53. ¹ 4. P. 871887.
Picinbono B., Duvaut P. Geometric properties of optimal Volterra filters
for signal detection // IEEE Trans. on Information Theory. 1990. V. 36. ¹ 5.
P. 10611068.
Pitas I., Venetsanopoulos A. N. Nonlinear digital filters: principles and
applications. Kluver Academic Publishers, 1990. 391 p.
Pottmann M., Unbehauen H., Seborg D. E. Application of general multi-
model approach for identification of highly nonlinear processes a case study // Int.
Journal of Control. 1993. V. 57. ¹ 1. P. 97120.
Ramponi G. F. Edge extraction by class of second-order nonlinear filters
// Electron. Lett. 1986. V. 22. ¹ 8. P. 482484.
Ramponi G. F., Sicuranza G. L., Ukovich W. A computational method
for the design of 2-D nonlinear Volterra filters // IEEE Trans. on Circuits and
Systems. 1988. V. 35. ¹ 9. P. 10951102.
      121. Nissinen A. S., Koivisto H. Identification of multivariate Volterra series
using genetic algorithms // Proc. Second Nordic Workshop on Genetic Algorithms
and their Applications. −Vaasa, Finland, Aug. 1996. − P. 151−162.
      122. Nowak R. D. Wavelet-based transformations for nonlinear signal
processing // IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing. − 1997. − ¹ 2.
      123. Nussbaumer H. J. Fast polynomial transform algorithms for digital
convolution // IEEE Trans. Acoust., Speech and Signal Processing. − 1980. −
V. 28. − ¹ 2. − P. 205−215.
      124. Palmieri F., Boucelet C. G. Frequency analysis and synthesis of a class
of nonlinear filters // IEEE Trans. on Acoust., Speech and Signal Processing. − 1990.
− V. 38. − ¹ 8. − P. 1363−1372.
      125. Papoulis A. Minimum bias window for high-resolution spectral
estimates // IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory. − 1973. − V. 19. − ¹ 1. − P. 9−12.
      126. Peyton-Jones J. C., Billings S. A. Describing functions, Volterra series,
and the analysis of non-linear systems in the frequency domain // Int. Journal of
Control. −1991. − V. 53. − ¹ 4. − P. 871−887.
      127. Picinbono B., Duvaut P. Geometric properties of optimal Volterra filters
for signal detection // IEEE Trans. on Information Theory. − 1990. − V. 36. − ¹ 5. −
P. 1061−1068.
      128. Pitas I., Venetsanopoulos A. N. Nonlinear digital filters: principles and
applications. − Kluver Academic Publishers, 1990. − 391 p.
      129. Pottmann M., Unbehauen H., Seborg D. E. Application of general multi-
model approach for identification of highly nonlinear processes − a case study // Int.
Journal of Control. − 1993. − V. 57. − ¹ 1. − P. 97−120.
      130. Ramponi G. F. Edge extraction by class of second-order nonlinear filters
// Electron. Lett. − 1986. − V. 22. − ¹ 8. − P. 482−484.
      131. Ramponi G. F., Sicuranza G. L., Ukovich W. A computational method
for the design of 2-D nonlinear Volterra filters // IEEE Trans. on Circuits and
Systems. − 1988. − V. 35. − ¹ 9. − P. 1095−1102.