Практический курс английского языка. Семушина Е.Ю. - 49 стр.



5. heir (n) – наследник: As far as I know this rich man has an heir apparent
so don’t hope to get smth from him. to fall heir to smb. - стать чьим-либо на-
следником. heirlessнаследница.
heirloom (n) – 1) фамильная вещь, драгоценность: This necklace is our
family heirloom. 2) фамильная черта, наследие: Stubbornness is our family
inheritance (n) – 1) наследство: After his uncle’s death he came into great
inheritance. 2) наследование: He got this mansion by inheritance.
inherit (v) - 1) получить в наследство: One day I will inherit this house.
2) унаследовать, перенять: She inherited her mother’s gentleness and beauty.
heritage – наследие: Should we preserve our cultural heritage?
6. make (v) – 1) делать, производить: What is the box made of?
2) становиться: I’m sure she’ll make an excellent teacher. 3) заставлять: We’ll
have to make him take the medicine. to make a report - делать доклад, to
make a mistake – ошибаться, to make friends with smb – подружиться,
make oneself at home чувствовать себя как дома.
make up (v) – составлять: Before packing make up a list of things you are
going to take. 2) выдумывать: Make up your own sentences using the new
words. 3) гримировать(ся): How long will it take the actors to make up?
7. remember (v) – 1) помнить: I remember every minute spent with her.
2) дарить, завещать: He remembered nearly all servants in his will. 3) передать
привет: Remember me to your father. Syn. remind. Ant. forget
remembrance (n) – 1) воспоминание, память: To be happy you should
preserve only good remembrances. 2) сувенир, подарок: This statue was the
best remembrance of him.
Topical vocabulary
by accident farewell dinner satellite TV
bribe to fascinate scale
canes incredible stained glass
criminal element to inspire to tow
curator genuine survey
to drum hazardous torch
to erect masterpiece warrior
estate on average
example of pagan times
1. Put these words according to their correct order:
1. eighteenth-century / French / old / jade / brooch / oval.
2. ancient / table / ugly / wooden / Japanese.
3. silver / decorated / mirror / small / wonderful.
4. dress / silk / old-fashioned / English.
5. big / round / priceless / picture / old.
6. carved / fascinating / plate / gold.
7. cotton/ carpet/ green / expensive / wonderful.
8. Italian / precious / ivory / statue.
9. ring / gold / wedding / beautiful / new.

      5. heir (n) – наследник: As far as I know this rich man has an heir apparent
so don’t hope to get smth from him. to fall heir to smb. - стать чьим-либо на-
следником. heirless – наследница.
      heirloom (n) – 1) фамильная вещь, драгоценность: This necklace is our
family heirloom. 2) фамильная черта, наследие: Stubbornness is our family
      inheritance (n) – 1) наследство: After his uncle’s death he came into great
inheritance. 2) наследование: He got this mansion by inheritance.
      inherit (v) - 1) получить в наследство: One day I will inherit this house.
2) унаследовать, перенять: She inherited her mother’s gentleness and beauty.
      heritage – наследие: Should we preserve our cultural heritage?
      6. make (v) – 1) делать, производить: What is the box made of?
2) становиться: I’m sure she’ll make an excellent teacher. 3) заставлять: We’ll
have to make him take the medicine. to make a report - делать доклад, to
make a mistake – ошибаться, to make friends with smb – подружиться,
make oneself at home – чувствовать себя как дома.
      make up (v) – составлять: Before packing make up a list of things you are
going to take. 2) выдумывать: Make up your own sentences using the new
words. 3) гримировать(ся): How long will it take the actors to make up?
      7. remember (v) – 1) помнить: I remember every minute spent with her.
2) дарить, завещать: He remembered nearly all servants in his will. 3) передать
привет: Remember me to your father. Syn. remind. Ant. forget
      remembrance (n) – 1) воспоминание, память: To be happy you should
preserve only good remembrances. 2) сувенир, подарок: This statue was the
best remembrance of him.

                              Topical vocabulary
    by accident                 farewell dinner               satellite TV
    bribe                       to fascinate                  scale
    canes                       incredible                    stained glass
    criminal element            to inspire                    to tow
    curator                     genuine                       survey
    to drum                     hazardous                     torch
    to erect                    masterpiece                   warrior
    estate                      on average
    example of                  pagan times

    1. Put these words according to their correct order:
    1. eighteenth-century / French / old / jade / brooch / oval.
    2. ancient / table / ugly / wooden / Japanese.
    3. silver / decorated / mirror / small / wonderful.
    4. dress / silk / old-fashioned / English.
    5. big / round / priceless / picture / old.
    6. carved / fascinating / plate / gold.
    7. cotton/ carpet/ green / expensive / wonderful.
    8. Italian / precious / ivory / statue.
    9. ring / gold / wedding / beautiful / new.