Как вести деловую переписку на английском языке. Шеленкова И.В. - 16 стр.


1. We are currently using 15 Procom 211 Premier PCs in our mail-
order department. We have been pleased with their performance, but now
require machines that will run faster.
2. Michael Jansen
Publicity Manager
3. I look forward to hearing from you.
4. Could you please let me know whether it is possible to upgrade
the PCs to 486s and what the likely cost would be?
5. Dear Mr Barnard
6. Mr J Barnard
Corporate Sales DEPARTMENT
Procom Ltd
58 Edison Street
Robin’s Lane Industrial Estate
Canterbury Kent CT 19 3TE
7. Yours sincerely
8. 12 May 2008
9. The Red Box
54 Streamside Road
Cardiff CF 11 JW
10. MJ
T a s k 5. Identify the type of format of the letter below (A – Block,
B – Semi-Block, C – Modified Block, and D – Modified Semi-Block).
123 Winner's Road
New Employee Town, PA 12345
March 16, 2001
Ernie English
1234 Writing Lab Lane
Write City, IN 12345