Машины лесного и строительно-дорожного комплекса. Шпакович И.Н - 4 стр.


tory. The biggest rivers are Anyi, Pihtsa, Khar, Kartanga. Various kinds of
salmon come into the rivers for spawning.
The climate is monsoon. It rains heavily in summer. The forests in the terri-
tory include such species as spruce, cedar, larch, yellow and silver birch and
Two big and several smaller wood enterprises produce annually about 100 –
110 thousand cubic meters of wood. The only timber sold is round timber of
conifers and ash-trees. Troitski cooperative animal breeding and hunting enter-
prise stores up berries and medicine plants. It also deals with fur and hoofed-
animal hunting. About 5-6 tons of Korean cedar seeds are stored in the territory.
Main felling as well as sanitary and improvement felling allow to produce 45-
50 thousand cubic meters of various kinds of wood. Compulsory timber and
secondary raw material processing is required.
The construction of cedar ash larch and spruce nursery or a hot – house plant
for 3 million seedlings would increase the growth of precious kinds of wood by
means of regenerating clear-cutting areas and burnt-forest territories.
At present several departments manage the resources. The Nanai forestry is re-
sponsible for felling and selling standard wood. It also controls forest utilization,
guards and protects the forest.
On the whole it is possible to raise the economy of the territory and provide
all local citizens with jobs without exhausting the riches of nature.
IV. Определите, соответствует ли данное высказывание содержанию
l. Gassinski model forest is situated in the West of Russia. 2. The Amur is the
only river in this territory. 3. The climate is mild. The summer is rainy. 4. The
only timber sold is lime. 5. The population of the territory works at the machine
– producing plant. 6. There are timber and raw material processing plants in the
V. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:
в пределах границ, промысел пушных зверей и копытных животных, пере-
работка сырья, заходить на
нерест, лососёвые породы рыб, заготавливать,
лесопромышленное предприятие.
VI. Найдите в предложениях текста герундий, обратите внимание на
стоящее после него существительное и его присоединение к герун-
дию. Назовите признаки герундия.
VII. Поставьте предложения в Present Passive Simple, переделав их:
1. Two big and several smaller enterprises produce wood. Wood...
2. They sell timber of conifers abroad. Timber of conifers...
3. Animal breeding and hunting enterprise stores up berries and medicine plants.
Berries and medicine plants...
4. The Nanai forestry controls forest utilization, guards and protects the forest.
Forest utilization..., the forest...