Chapter 1
1. Find the English equivalents of the following expressions in the text and produce the
situations in which they occur.
делать одолжение
быть несправедливым к к-т
отнестись с равнодушием
меня одолевало любопытство
почтительно относиться к к-т
польщенный ч-т
звучать правдоподобно
примириться с ч-л
справляться с
иметь претензии на
чувствовать себя неловко
застигнутый врасплох (ошеломленный)
питать злые чувства к к-л
не найти слов
2. Explain the meaning of the italicized phrases.
1. In fact it confirmed them in their suspicions that he would never set the Thames on fire.
1. … they were quite content to give a leg up to a man who would never climb so high as to be
an obstacle to themselves.
2. … and generally by the time the critic has eaten half a dozen oysters and a cut from a saddle
of baby lamb, he has eaten his words too.
3. … it was damned decent of Roy to say he’d give his eye-teeth to have written a book half as
good as Smith’s last.
3. Speak about
• Alroy Kear’s biography
• his first steps in the world of letters
• his first novel
• the way he treats the reviewers of his books
• his own talent as a reviewer
• his public activities
• his attitude towards marriage
• his unfatigable industry
• Alroy Kear’s idiosyncrasies
• the author’s attitude to Alroy Kear
4. Do you agree with the following statements?
1. “… genius was an infinite capacity for taking pains.”
2. “One of the difficulties that a man has to cope with as he does through life is what to do
about the persons with whom he has once been intimate and whose interest for him has in
due course subsided.”
3. “Hypocrisy is one of the most difficult and nerve-racking vice that any man can pursue; it
needs an unceasing vigilance and a rare detachment of spirit. It cannot, like adultery or
gluttony, be practices at spare moments; it is a whole-time job.”
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