English. Соколова Е.В. - 10 стр.



world nations developed according to these principles. Why was Britain chosen to
build the henges in? Possibly, a small ground was necessary for their experiment.
And they found an island, separated from the world. Many world religions have leg-
ends about some stones with letters of life on them. Aren't those stones the henges?
2.10 Переведите текст письменно
Strange Explosions at Sasovo, in Russia
Most mysterious phenomena took place in about 200 miles south-east of Mos-
cow. Some discussions appeared in Russian publications, yet there is none seen in the
English-language journals. These phenomena have a few characteristics similar to the
Tunguska catastrophe of 1908. One of our Russian correspondents summarized eve-
rything known about the Sasovo explosions, and we are happy to present part of his
(lightly edited) letter in "Science Frontiers":
"On April 12, 1991, a strange explosion happened near the Russian town of Sas-
ovo (350 km to the south-east of Moscow). After the explosion, people found a cra-
ter, about 30 m in diameter and 3 m deep. Of all ideas put forward about its nature
scientists left only one: that it was of a tectonic origin.
The geological study in the region and a secondary, weaker explosion, taking
place in 1992 in a sparsely populated area about 9 km away from the first one, proved
this. For some years before the explosions, there were signs of growing tectonic
activity in the region: a great number of 'fireballs' and the so-called UFOs
(unidentified flying objects), some of slow ground deformations, and so on. For about
several hours before the 1991 explosion, many places people saw numerous
'fireballs,' often accompanied by ground vibrations. In many houses, animals were
anxious. Some people fell ill. Railroad devices failed. About 1 minute before the
explosion, noise appeared in radio receivers At a distance of up to several hundred
kilometers from the epicenter, some people said that it became very hot and they felt
suffocation.' Near the epicenter, a bright light with a duration of several seconds and
an explosion (thunder and ground shock) took place. (According to the information
received, a 'glowing object' flew down to the ground.)
The 1991 Sasovo explosion, accompanied by a number of intriguing phenomena,
sometimes resembling ball lightning and even tornado, was quite unusual, and
brought selective ruins to the town and even to the village located 20 km from the
epicenter. During the explosion, in closed rooms, people saw different things flying
and landing. The next day the scientists also learned about the people transported by
an unknown force, hollow plastic toys and bulbs exploded, inner windows smashed
and outer windows undamaged. At a distance of about 10 km from the main crater,
two more craters appeared and there were light phenomena.
world nations developed according to these principles. Why was Britain chosen to
build the henges in? Possibly, a small ground was necessary for their experiment.
And they found an island, separated from the world. Many world religions have leg-
ends about some stones with letters of life on them. Aren't those stones the henges?

     2.10 Переведите текст письменно

                         Strange Explosions at Sasovo, in Russia

     Most mysterious phenomena took place in about 200 miles south-east of Mos-
cow. Some discussions appeared in Russian publications, yet there is none seen in the
English-language journals. These phenomena have a few characteristics similar to the
Tunguska catastrophe of 1908. One of our Russian correspondents summarized eve-
rything known about the Sasovo explosions, and we are happy to present part of his
(lightly edited) letter in "Science Frontiers":
     "On April 12, 1991, a strange explosion happened near the Russian town of Sas-
ovo (350 km to the south-east of Moscow). After the explosion, people found a cra-
ter, about 30 m in diameter and 3 m deep. Of all ideas put forward about its nature
scientists left only one: that it was of a tectonic origin.
     The geological study in the region and a secondary, weaker explosion, taking
place in 1992 in a sparsely populated area about 9 km away from the first one, proved
this. For some years before the explosions, there were signs of growing tectonic
activity in the region: a great number of 'fireballs' and the so-called UFOs
(unidentified flying objects), some of slow ground deformations, and so on. For about
several hours before the 1991 explosion, many places people saw numerous
'fireballs,' often accompanied by ground vibrations. In many houses, animals were
anxious. Some people fell ill. Railroad devices failed. About 1 minute before the
explosion, noise appeared in radio receivers At a distance of up to several hundred
kilometers from the epicenter, some people said that it became very hot and they felt
suffocation.' Near the epicenter, a bright light with a duration of several seconds and
an explosion (thunder and ground shock) took place. (According to the information
received, a 'glowing object' flew down to the ground.)
     The 1991 Sasovo explosion, accompanied by a number of intriguing phenomena,
sometimes resembling ball lightning and even tornado, was quite unusual, and
brought selective ruins to the town and even to the village located 20 km from the
epicenter. During the explosion, in closed rooms, people saw different things flying
and landing. The next day the scientists also learned about the people transported by
an unknown force, hollow plastic toys and bulbs exploded, inner windows smashed
and outer windows undamaged. At a distance of about 10 km from the main crater,
two more craters appeared and there were light phenomena.