English. Соколова Е.В. - 8 стр.



single origin, 9) cause and effect, 10) weather forecast, 11) responsible and sure, 12)
with pleasure, 13) most important units
а) то же самое явление, б) строение вещества, в) таинственное заболевание,
г) с удовольствием, д) ответственный и уверенный, е) важнейшие узлы, ж) со-
гласно легенде, з) древние культуры, и) причина и следствие, к) готовая форма,
л) высокий уровень знаний, м) прогноз погоды, н) единое происхождение
2.5 Прочтите предложения, догадываясь о значении выделенных слов.
Переведите предложения письменно
А. 1 Iron is a chemical element which symbol is "Fe".
2 Iron contains much more carbon than steel.
3 We often say "an iron man" when we speak about a person of a strong charac-
B. 1 Time is money.
2 If you want to learn foreign words fast, repeat them several times.
3Time yourself when you get ready for a run race.
C. 1 The idea of metal money originates from the ancient kingdom of Lydia in
the territory of modern Turkey.
2 Later, the use of different coins originated a successful system of metal money
which spread to other countries.
D. 1 Islam is against the democratic law that men and women arc equal .
2 Two and two equals four.
2.6 Выпишите слова с приставкой "re-". Скажите, какое значение она
придаст словам
a) Some of the students failed the grammar test, and had to rewrite it before the
Greek exam.
b) Every night Sheila relived the catastrophe in her dream.
c) I think, I'll ask Steve for his new earner and retake some of these photos.
2.7 Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на причастия настоя-
щего времени
a) Leaving ….. Asia in the 7th century ВС, the Scythians for some 400 years
were masters of a great part of Europe.
b) We learn to live, reading …..books.
c) Dolphins, living ….in the warm sea, sometimes follow the ships for a long dis-
tance, playing .... around in the water.
d) Studying…. at the University I met my future husband.
single origin, 9) cause and effect, 10) weather forecast, 11) responsible and sure, 12)
with pleasure, 13) most important units

    а) то же самое явление, б) строение вещества, в) таинственное заболевание,
г) с удовольствием, д) ответственный и уверенный, е) важнейшие узлы, ж) со-
гласно легенде, з) древние культуры, и) причина и следствие, к) готовая форма,
л) высокий уровень знаний, м) прогноз погоды, н) единое происхождение

   2.5 Прочтите предложения, догадываясь о значении выделенных слов.
Переведите предложения письменно

       А. 1 Iron is a chemical element which symbol is "Fe".
       2 Iron contains much more carbon than steel.
       3 We often say "an iron man" when we speak about a person of a strong charac-

       B. 1 Time is money.
       2 If you want to learn foreign words fast, repeat them several times.
       3Time yourself when you get ready for a run race.

    C. 1 The idea of metal money originates from the ancient kingdom of Lydia in
the territory of modern Turkey.
    2 Later, the use of different coins originated a successful system of metal money
which spread to other countries.

       D. 1 Islam is against the democratic law that men and women arc equal .
       2 Two and two equals four.

   2.6 Выпишите слова с приставкой "re-". Скажите, какое значение она
придаст словам

   a) Some of the students failed the grammar test, and had to rewrite it before the
Greek exam.
   b) Every night Sheila relived the catastrophe in her dream.
   c) I think, I'll ask Steve for his new earner and retake some of these photos.

   2.7 Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на причастия настоя-
щего времени

    a) Leaving ….. Asia in the 7th century ВС, the Scythians for some 400 years
were masters of a great part of Europe.
    b) We learn to live, reading …..books.
    c) Dolphins, living ….in the warm sea, sometimes follow the ships for a long dis-
tance, playing .... around in the water.
    d) Studying…. at the University I met my future husband.