English. Соколова Е.В. - 7 стр.



2 Lesson 2
2.1 Заполните пропуски указанными словами в соответствующей фор-
about, ancient (2), as for, ВС, European, belong, develop, exist (2), knowl-
edge, law, level
Where European Ideas Come from
Europe's first big culture….on the island of Crete from….2000 ВС to 1450 ВС.
This civilization had beautiful towns, roads and large palaces, fragments of which
still…..Later – between the ninth and third centuries….another,….Greek culture…. .
Its century was the city of Athens, and many important ideas about democracy,
….., philosophy and architecture…. to it…..Greek…., it was of a high…, too.
The language is the largest part of Greek culture: it reflects the …. history and
early religion, and that's why people round the world study it at schools and universi-
2.2 Заполните пропуски в тексте указанными словами в соответствую-
щей форме
AD, appear, century, fail, gigantic, quite
The Roman Empire
After Greece, another legendary nation…. . Founded in 753 ВС, Rome be-
came…. powerful in about 300 ВС, and 200 years later it ruled many nations of the
ancient world. Latin became their official language, and many Latin words and
phrases entered local languages. Rome had tall buildings, beautiful roads, transport,
and a large army. It was a rich and successful empire with a good system of manage-
ment. But empires don't exist for long: all nations want to be free. During the third
and fourth … AD, armies of Vikings and Vandals and other enemies began to at-
tack it. Slowly, the….Roman Empire became weaker, and by 500…..it….
2.3 Выпишите пары, слова которых имеют сходное значение, и пары,
слова которых противоположны по значению
exist, die, ancient, old, similar, same, human, animal, mystery, secret, cause, end,
grow, fail, fact, legend, unit, part, mention, tell
2.4 Подберите соответствующий эквивалент следующим выражениям
1) according to the legend, 2) the same phenomenon, 3) ancient cultures, 4)high-
level knowledge, 5) mysterious disease, 6) ready-made form, 7) matter structure, 8)
       2 Lesson 2

     2.1 Заполните пропуски указанными словами в соответствующей фор-

   about, ancient (2), as for, ВС, European, belong, develop, exist (2), knowl-
edge, law, level

                         Where European Ideas Come from

     Europe's first big culture….on the island of Crete from….2000 ВС to 1450 ВС.
This civilization had beautiful towns, roads and large palaces, fragments of which
still…..Later – between the ninth and third centuries….another,….Greek culture…. .
Its century was the city of Athens, and many important         ideas about democracy,
….., philosophy and architecture…. to it…..Greek…., it was of a high…, too.
     The language is the largest part of Greek culture: it reflects the …. history and
early religion, and that's why people round the world study it at schools and universi-

  2.2 Заполните пропуски в тексте указанными словами в соответствую-
щей форме

     AD, appear, century, fail, gigantic, quite

                                 The Roman Empire
    After Greece, another legendary nation…. . Founded in 753 ВС, Rome be-
came…. powerful in about 300 ВС, and 200 years later it ruled many nations of the
ancient world. Latin became their official language, and many Latin words and
phrases entered local languages. Rome had tall buildings, beautiful roads, transport,
and a large army. It was a rich and successful empire with a good system of manage-
ment. But empires don't exist for long: all nations want to be free. During the third
and fourth …       AD, armies of Vikings and Vandals and other enemies began to at-
tack it. Slowly, the….Roman Empire became weaker, and by 500…..it….

   2.3 Выпишите пары, слова которых имеют сходное значение, и пары,
слова которых противоположны по значению

   exist, die, ancient, old, similar, same, human, animal, mystery, secret, cause, end,
grow, fail, fact, legend, unit, part, mention, tell

     2.4 Подберите соответствующий эквивалент следующим выражениям

    1) according to the legend, 2) the same phenomenon, 3) ancient cultures, 4)high-
level knowledge, 5) mysterious disease, 6) ready-made form, 7) matter structure, 8)