Сорбционные свойства почв. Адсорбция. Катионный обмен. Соколова Т.А - 171 стр.



Edwards P.J. Sulfur Cycling, Retention and Mobility in Soils: a Review. USDA, Forest
Service. Northeastern Research Station General Technical Report NE-250, 1998, – 18p
Essington M.E. Soil and Water Chemistry. CRC Press. Boca Raton London New York
Washington D.C. 2004, 534 p.
Gaines G.L., and Thomas H.C. Adsorption studies on clay minerals. II. A formulation of
the thermodynamics of exchange adsorption. Journ. Chem. Phys. 1953 V. 21 pp. 714-718
Geelhoed J.S., Hiemstra T., and Van Riemsdijk W. Phosphate and sulfate adsorption on
goethite: Single anion and competitive adsorption. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 1997, v.
61, N12, pp. 3773-3797
Giles C.H., Smith D., Huitson A. A general treatment and classification of the solute ad-
sorption isotherm. Colloid Interface Science. 1974 v. 47 pp. 755-765
Gillman G.P., Fox R.L. Increase in the Cation Exchange Capacity Of Variable Charge
Soils Following Superphosphate Application. Soil Science Society of America Journal 1980 v.
44 N 5, pp. 934-938
Hayes M.S.B. Influence of the acid/base status on the formation and interaction of acids
and bases in soils. Trans. 13 Congr. Int. Soc. Soil Sci., Hamburg, 13-20 August, 1986, v.5, pp.
93-109, Hamburg, 1987
Israelashvili J.N. Intermolecular and Surface Forces. London. Academic Press. 1985
Jackson M.L. Clay transformation in soil Genesis during the Quaternary. Soil Science.
1965 v. 99 N 1, pp. 15-22.
Jackson M.L. Weathering of primary and secondary minerals in soils. In: 9-th Interna-
tional Congress of Soil Science Transactions, v. 4 Adelaida 1968 pp. 281-292
Karltun E. Modelling SO
surface complexation on variable charge minerals. II. Com-
petition between SO
, oxalate and fulvate. European Journal of Soil Science, 1998, v.49 pp.
Nordstrom D.K., and Ball J.W. The geochemical behavior of aluminum in acidified sur-
face waters. Science 1986 v. 232 pp. 54-56
Nordstrom D.K., The effect of sulfate on aluminum concentrations in natural waters:
Some stability relations in the system Al
- H
O at 298 K. Geochimica et Cocmochimica
Acta 1982 v. 56 pp. 681-692
Parks G.A. Surface Energy and Adsorption at Mineral/Water Interface: An Introduction.
In: M.F. Hochella and A.F.White, Eds., Mineral-Water Interface Geochemistry, Mineralogical
Society of America, 1990, pp. 133-175
Parr R.G. and Pearson R.G. Absolute hardness: companion parameter to absolute electro-
negativity. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. v.105, pp. 7512-7516, 1983
Pearson R.G. Hard and Soft Acids and Bases. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. v.85, pp. 3533-3539
       Edwards P.J. Sulfur Cycling, Retention and Mobility in Soils: a Review. USDA, Forest
Service. Northeastern Research Station General Technical Report NE-250, 1998, – 18p

      Essington M.E. Soil and Water Chemistry. CRC Press. Boca Raton London New York
Washington D.C. 2004, – 534 p.

        Gaines G.L., and Thomas H.C. Adsorption studies on clay minerals. II. A formulation of
the thermodynamics of exchange adsorption. Journ. Chem. Phys. 1953 V. 21 pp. 714-718

       Geelhoed J.S., Hiemstra T., and Van Riemsdijk W. Phosphate and sulfate adsorption on
goethite: Single anion and competitive adsorption. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 1997, v.
61, N12, pp. 3773-3797

       Giles C.H., Smith D., Huitson A. A general treatment and classification of the solute ad-
sorption isotherm. Colloid Interface Science. 1974 v. 47 pp. 755-765

       Gillman G.P., Fox R.L. Increase in the Cation Exchange Capacity Of Variable Charge
Soils Following Superphosphate Application. Soil Science Society of America Journal 1980 v.
44 N 5, pp. 934-938

       Hayes M.S.B. Influence of the acid/base status on the formation and interaction of acids
and bases in soils. Trans. 13 Congr. Int. Soc. Soil Sci., Hamburg, 13-20 August, 1986, v.5, pp.
93-109, Hamburg, 1987

       Israelashvili J.N. Intermolecular and Surface Forces. London. Academic Press. 1985

       Jackson M.L. Clay transformation in soil Genesis during the Quaternary. Soil Science.
1965 v. 99 N 1, pp. 15-22.

        Jackson M.L. Weathering of primary and secondary minerals in soils. In: 9-th Interna-
tional Congress of Soil Science Transactions, v. 4 Adelaida 1968 pp. 281-292

        Karltun E. Modelling SO42- surface complexation on variable charge minerals. II. Com-
petition between SO42-, oxalate and fulvate. European Journal of Soil Science, 1998, v.49 pp.

       Nordstrom D.K., and Ball J.W. The geochemical behavior of aluminum in acidified sur-
face waters. Science 1986 v. 232 pp. 54-56

       Nordstrom D.K., The effect of sulfate on aluminum concentrations in natural waters:
Some stability relations in the system Al2O3-SO3- H2O at 298 K. Geochimica et Cocmochimica
Acta 1982 v. 56 pp. 681-692

       Parks G.A. Surface Energy and Adsorption at Mineral/Water Interface: An Introduction.
In: M.F. Hochella and A.F.White, Eds., Mineral-Water Interface Geochemistry, Mineralogical
Society of America, 1990, pp. 133-175

       Parr R.G. and Pearson R.G. Absolute hardness: companion parameter to absolute electro-
negativity. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. v.105, pp. 7512-7516, 1983

       Pearson R.G. Hard and Soft Acids and Bases. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. v.85, pp. 3533-3539