Сорбционные свойства почв. Адсорбция. Катионный обмен. Соколова Т.А - 172 стр.



Pearson R.G. Hard and Soft Acids and Bases, HSAB. I. Fundamental Principles. J.
Chem. Educ., v.45, pp. 581-587, 1968
Perdue E.M. Acidic functional groups of humic substances. In: Humic Substances in Soil,
Sediments and Water. Ed. by Aiken G.R. et al. N.Y. John Wiley, 1985, pp. 493-526
Pigna M., Violante A. Adsorption of Sulfate and Phoshate on Andisols. Communications
in Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 2003 v. 34 Nos. 15&16, pp. 2099-2013
Pignatello J.J., Xing B. Mechanisms of Slow Sorption of Organic Chemicals to Natural
Particles. Environmental Science and Technology 1996, v. 30 N1
Rajan S.S.S. Sulfate adsorbed on hydrous alumina, ligands displayced and changes in
surface charge Soil Science Society of America Journal. 1978, v. 42 N 1, pp. 39-44
Reuss J.O., Johnson D.W. Acid deposition and Acidifications of Soils and Waters. Eco-
logical Studies. V. 59, 1986, Springer Verlag, New York, –114 p.
Robarge W.P. Precipitation/Dissolutions Reactions in Soils. In Sparks Donald L. (Ed.)
Soil Physical Chemistry. CRC Press Boca Raton Boston London New York Washington, DC,
1998 pp. 193-238
Rothmund V., Kornfeld G. Der Basenaustausch in Permutit. Zeitschrift Anorg. und All-
gem. Chem. 1918 Bd. 103, N1-4, pp. 129-133
Sawhney B.L., Brown K. (Eds.) Reactions and Movement of organic Chemicals in Soils.
Soil Science Society of America, Special Publications. Madison WI, 1989
Sahai N. and Sverjenskiy D.A. Evaluation of internally consistent parameters for the tri-
ple-layer model by the systematic analysis of oxide surface titration data. Geochim. Cosmochim.
Acta 1997 v.61, pp. 2801-2826
Schnitzer M. Humic Substances, chemistry and reactions. In: Soil Organic Matter Stud-
ies”, Amsterdam, 1978, pp.1
Schofield R.K. A ratio low governing the equilibrium of cations in solutions. Proc. Elev-
enth Int. Congr. Pure and Appl. Chemistry. London, 1947, v.3, p. 257-261
Senesi N., Loffredo E. The Chemistry of Soil Organic Matter. In: Sparks Donald L. (Ed.)
Soil Physical Chemistry. CRC Press Boca Raton Boston London New York Washington, DC,
1998 pp. 239-271
Singh B.R. 1984 Sulfate Sorption by acid forest soils. 2. Sulfate adsorption isotherms
with and without organic matter and oxides of aluminum and iron. Soil Sci. 1984, v. 138, 4,
pp. 294-297
Sparks D. Kinetics of Soil Chemical Processes. Academic Press. San Diego, 1989, 210
Sparks D. L. Soil Physical Chemistry. Second Edition. CRC Press. Boca Raton Boston
London New York Washington, D.C. 1999, – 410 p.

      Pearson R.G. Hard and Soft Acids and Bases, HSAB. I. Fundamental Principles. J.
Chem. Educ., v.45, pp. 581-587, 1968

      Perdue E.M. Acidic functional groups of humic substances. In: Humic Substances in Soil,
Sediments and Water. Ed. by Aiken G.R. et al. N.Y. John Wiley, 1985, pp. 493-526

        Pigna M., Violante A. Adsorption of Sulfate and Phoshate on Andisols. Communications
in Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 2003 v. 34 Nos. 15&16, pp. 2099-2013

        Pignatello J.J., Xing B. Mechanisms of Slow Sorption of Organic Chemicals to Natural
Particles. Environmental Science and Technology 1996, v. 30 N1

       Rajan S.S.S. Sulfate adsorbed on hydrous alumina, ligands displayced and changes in
surface charge Soil Science Society of America Journal. 1978, v. 42 N 1, pp. 39-44

        Reuss J.O., Johnson D.W. Acid deposition and Acidifications of Soils and Waters. Eco-
logical Studies. V. 59, 1986, Springer Verlag, New York, –114 p.

       Robarge W.P. Precipitation/Dissolutions Reactions in Soils. In Sparks Donald L. (Ed.)
Soil Physical Chemistry. CRC Press Boca Raton Boston London New York Washington, DC,
1998 pp. 193-238

      Rothmund V., Kornfeld G. Der Basenaustausch in Permutit. Zeitschrift Anorg. und All-
gem. Chem. 1918 Bd. 103, N1-4, pp. 129-133

       Sawhney B.L., Brown K. (Eds.) Reactions and Movement of organic Chemicals in Soils.
Soil Science Society of America, Special Publications. Madison WI, 1989

       Sahai N. and Sverjenskiy D.A. Evaluation of internally consistent parameters for the tri-
ple-layer model by the systematic analysis of oxide surface titration data. Geochim. Cosmochim.
Acta 1997 v.61, pp. 2801-2826

       Schnitzer M. Humic Substances, chemistry and reactions. In: “Soil Organic Matter Stud-
ies”, Amsterdam, 1978, pp.1

        Schofield R.K. A ratio low governing the equilibrium of cations in solutions. Proc. Elev-
enth Int. Congr. Pure and Appl. Chemistry. London, 1947, v.3, p. 257-261

       Senesi N., Loffredo E. The Chemistry of Soil Organic Matter. In: Sparks Donald L. (Ed.)
Soil Physical Chemistry. CRC Press Boca Raton Boston London New York Washington, DC,
1998 pp. 239-271

       Singh B.R. 1984 Sulfate Sorption by acid forest soils. 2. Sulfate adsorption isotherms
with and without organic matter and oxides of aluminum and iron. Soil Sci. 1984, v. 138, № 4,
pp. 294-297
       Sparks D. Kinetics of Soil Chemical Processes. Academic Press. San Diego, 1989, – 210

      Sparks D. L. Soil Physical Chemistry. Second Edition. CRC Press. Boca Raton Boston
London New York Washington, D.C. 1999, – 410 p.