Practise reading modern press. Станкова Т.Ю. - 5 стр.



During the early 1990s, civil society’s organizations began visibly
cooperating at large international conferences of states. In May 2000
the Millennium Forum was held at the United Nations. The forum
agreed to establish a permanent assembly of civil society organizations,
mandated to meet at least every two to three years... (3)
Unlike The United Nations, this assembly would not be
constituted by states. Because its authority would come directly from
the global citizenry, it could refute the claim that states are bound
only by laws to which they give their consent. Henceforth, the ability
to opt out of collective efforts to protect the environment, control
or eliminate weapons, safeguard human rights, or otherwise protect
the global community could be challenged... (4)
The assembly’s very existence would also help promote the
peaceful resolution of international conflicts. Because elected delegates
would represent individuals and society instead of states, they would
not have to vote along national lines. Coalitions would likely form on
other bases, such as world — view, political orientation, and interests.
Compromises among such competing but nonmilitarized coalitions
might eventually undermine reliance on the current war system, in
which international decisions are still made by heavily armed nations
that are poised to destroy one another. In due course, international
relations might more closely resemble policy making within the most
democratic societics of the world.
Exercises to the text «Toward Global Parliament»
I. Find the following words in the text, translate them and learn them by
citizen, participation, global, civil, society, voluntary,
independent, force, to promote, treaty, authority, environment, to
challenge, to represent, protection.
II. Find English equivalents of the following in the text:
âñåìèðíûé ïàðëàìåíò; ðåøàþùèé ôàêòîð; ó÷àñòèå ãðàæ-
äàí; ãëîáàëüíûå èíñòèòóòû âëàñòè; äîáðîâîëüíûå îáùåñòâà; íå-
çàâèñèìàÿ ìåæäóíàðîäíàÿ ñèëà; ñàìûå âûäàþùèåñÿ èç ýòèõ îðãà-
íèçàöèé; ãðàæäàíñêîå îáùåñòâî; ñïîñîáñòâîâàëî ðàçðàáîòêå äî-
ãîâîðîâ; ãëîáàëüíîå ïîòåïëåíèå; ñîçäàòü ìåæäóíàðîäíûé óãî-
      During the early 1990s, civil society’s organizations began visibly
cooperating at large international conferences of states. In May 2000
the Millennium Forum was held at the United Nations. The forum
agreed to establish a permanent assembly of civil society organizations,
mandated to meet at least every two to three years... (3)
      Unlike The United Nations, this assembly would not be
constituted by states. Because its authority would come directly from
the global citizenry, it could refute the claim that states are bound
only by laws to which they give their consent. Henceforth, the ability
to opt out of collective efforts to protect the environment, control
or eliminate weapons, safeguard human rights, or otherwise protect
the global community could be challenged... (4)
      The assembly’s very existence would also help promote the
peaceful resolution of international conflicts. Because elected delegates
would represent individuals and society instead of states, they would
not have to vote along national lines. Coalitions would likely form on
other bases, such as world — view, political orientation, and interests.
Compromises among such competing but nonmilitarized coalitions
might eventually undermine reliance on the current war system, in
which international decisions are still made by heavily armed nations
that are poised to destroy one another. In due course, international
relations might more closely resemble policy making within the most
democratic societics of the world.

   Exercises to the text «Toward Global Parliament»

         I. Find the following words in the text, translate them and learn them by
     citizen, partici pation, global, civil, society, voluntary,
independent, force, to promote, treaty, authority, environment, to
challenge, to represent, protection.
         II. Find English equivalents of the following in the text:
     âñåìèðíûé ïàðëàìåíò; ðåøàþùèé ôàêòîð; ó÷àñòèå ãðàæ-
äàí; ãëîáàëüíûå èíñòèòóòû âëàñòè; äîáðîâîëüíûå îáùåñòâà; íå-
çàâèñèìàÿ ìåæäóíàðîäíàÿ ñèëà; ñàìûå âûäàþùèåñÿ èç ýòèõ îðãà-
íèçàöèé; ãðàæäàíñêîå îáùåñòâî; ñïîñîáñòâîâàëî ðàçðàáîòêå äî-
ãîâîðîâ; ãëîáàëüíîå ïîòåïëåíèå; ñîçäàòü ìåæäóíàðîäíûé óãî-
