Английский язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации: природопользование - 22 стр.


He is still looking now. He ....... for three months. 5. Jenny started
working in Manchester on 6 May. She’s still working there now.
She........since 6 May. 6. Two years ago you started writing to a penfriend.
You still write to each other regularly now. We ....... for two years. 7.
We are extremely tired. We .......(travel) for more than 8 hours. 8. She
is rather annoyed with me. She ....... (wait) for a long time.
VI. Îáúÿñíèòå óïîòðåáëåíèå âðåìåí â êàæäîì ïðåäëîæåíèè.
Ïåðåâåäèòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ íà ðóññêèé ÿçûê.
1. We have been getting stable yields during the last few years. 2.
Our farm has been growing potatoes for ten years. 3. The farmers had
been manuring the soil with organic and
mineral fertilizers for three years before they began to harvest
high yields of crops. 4. The farm veterans have been recieving additional
payments and a pension since 1990.
VII. Âûáåðèòå íóæíóþ ãëàãîëüíóþ ôîðìó.
1. I think you....... Venus in the sky.
[ a) is seen; b) have seen; c) have been seen].
2. The engineer ....... his experiment before it became dark.
[ a) have completed; b) had completed; c) completes].
3. I....... never.......to England.
[ a) have been; b) had been; c) been ].
4. That task was more difficult than we........ before was clear to
[ a) had thought; b) will think; c) has thought].
5. Radiosonds ....... very much to the enormous increase in
knowledge of the atmosphere in the last 30 years.
[ a) contribute; b) have contributed; c) has contributed].
6. Progress made in radioelectronics in recent years. ........ the
volume of information transmitted from sputnik
[ a) has increased; b) had been increased; c) have increased].
7. Our scientists............ automatic stations to the Moon
[ a) sends; b) have sent; c) have been sent].
8. The discoveries made by scientists..............great changes in
the life of people.
[ a) have been brought; b) have brought; c) has brought].
9. The science of the study of the Earth............... particular
progress in recent years.
[ a) has made; b) made; c) was made].
He is still looking now. He ....... for three months. 5. Jenny started
working in Manchester on 6 May. She’s still working there now.
She........since 6 May. 6. Two years ago you started writing to a penfriend.
You still write to each other regularly now. We ....... for two years. 7.
We are extremely tired. We .......(travel) for more than 8 hours. 8. She
is rather annoyed with me. She ....... (wait) for a long time.
      VI. Îáúÿñíèòå óïîòðåáëåíèå âðåìåí â êàæäîì ïðåäëîæåíèè.
Ïåðåâåäèòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ íà ðóññêèé ÿçûê.
      1. We have been getting stable yields during the last few years. 2.
Our farm has been growing potatoes for ten years. 3. The farmers had
been manuring the soil with organic and
      mineral fertilizers for three years before they began to harvest
high yields of crops. 4. The farm veterans have been recieving additional
payments and a pension since 1990.
      VII. Âûáåðèòå íóæíóþ ãëàãîëüíóþ ôîðìó.
      1. I think you....... Venus in the sky.
      [ a) is seen; b) have seen; c) have been seen].
      2. The engineer ....... his experiment before it became dark.
      [ a) have completed; b) had completed; c) completes].
      3. I....... never.......to England.
      [ a) have been; b) had been; c) been ].
      4. That task was more difficult than we........ before was clear to
      [ a) had thought; b) will think; c) has thought].
      5. Radiosonds ....... very much to the enormous increase in
knowledge of the atmosphere in the last 30 years.
      [ a) contribute; b) have contributed; c) has contributed].
      6. Progress made in radioelectronics in recent years. ........ the
volume of information transmitted from sputnik
      [ a) has increased; b) had been increased; c) have increased].
      7. Our scientists............ automatic stations to the Moon
      [ a) sends; b) have sent; c) have been sent].
      8. The discoveries made by scientists..............great changes in
the life of people.
      [ a) have been brought; b) have brought; c) has brought].
      9. The science of the study of the Earth............... particular
progress in recent years.
      [ a) has made; b) made; c) was made].
