Английский язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации: природопользование - 4 стр.


It is supposed, that the world ocean contains every known
element, though only about 52 percent (including hydrogen and
oxygen) have been discovered. The ocean is rich in gold, silver, iron
and tin.
Nowadays the ocean is a source of large biological resources. It
produces 12 -15% of animal protein and 3 — 4% of fat of world
Oceanographers are engaged in collecting and analyzing data on
waves, tides, and currents; plant and animal life; and chemical
composition and relations of the sea. They deal with maps, graphs,
tables, charts, and reports. Oceanographers use hitech devices such
as computers and underwater cameras, sampling devices, and other
exploration equipment. The demand estimation for oceanographers
is about to grow from 12% to 25% through the 2000s.
globe [gloub] - çåìíîé øàð issue [‘isju:] - âûïóñêàòü (êíèãè)
brave [breiv] - õðàáðûé journey [‘d :ni] - ïóòåøåñòâèå
crew [kru:] - ýêèïàæ explore [iks’pl :] - èññëåäîâàòü
warm [w :m] - òåïëûé around [ ‘raund] - âîêðóã
breath [bre ] - äûõàíèå huge [‘hju:d ] - ãðîìàäíûé
fresh [fre ] - ñâåæèé mix [miks] - ñìåøèâàòü
pure [‘pju ] - ÷èñòûé receive [ri’si:v] - ïîëó÷àòü
blow [blou] - äóòü prove [pru:v] - äîêàçûâàòü
across [ ‘kr s] - âäîëü surround [s ‘raund] - îêðóæàòü
stream [stri:m] - ïîòîê reason [‘ri:zn] - ïðè÷èíà
salt [s :lt] - ñîëü chill [t il] - õîëîäíûé
iron [‘ai n] - æåëåçî observe [ b’z :v] - íàáëþäàòü
tin [tin] - îëîâî vapour [‘veip ] - ïàð, èñïàðåíèÿ
tota [toutl] - èòîãî freeze [‘fri:z] - çàìåðçàòü
table [teibl] - òàáëèöà source [s :s] - èñòî÷íèê
wave [‘weiv] - âîëíà touch [‘t t ] - êàñàòüñÿ
rock [r k] - ñêàëà demand [di’ma:nd] - ñïðîñ
ice [‘ais] - ëåä cientist [‘sai ntist] - ó÷åíûé
nevertheless [,nev‘les] - òåì íå ìåíåå
In points of fact - â ñàìîì äåëå
voyage [‘v id ] - ìîðñêîå ïóòåøåñòâèå
research [ri’s :t ] - èññëåäîâàòü
establish [is’t bli ] - óñòàíàâëèâàòü
spread [spred] - ðàñïðîñòðàíÿòü(ñÿ)
      It is supposed, that the world ocean contains every known
element, though only about 52 percent (including hydrogen and
oxygen) have been discovered. The ocean is rich in gold, silver, iron
and tin.
      Nowadays the ocean is a source of large biological resources. It
produces 12 -15% of animal protein and 3 — 4% of fat of world
      Oceanographers are engaged in collecting and analyzing data on
waves, tides, and currents; plant and animal life; and chemical
composition and relations of the sea. They deal with maps, graphs,
tables, charts, and reports. Oceanographers use hitech devices such
as computers and underwater cameras, sampling devices, and other
exploration equi pment. The demand estimation for oceanographers
is about to grow from 12% to 25% through the 2000s.
                     ESSENTIAL VOCABULARY
globe [gloub]     - çåìíîé øàð     issue [‘isju:]      - âûïóñêàòü (êíèãè)
brave [breiv]     - õðàáðûé        journey [‘d :ni] - ïóòåøåñòâèå
crew [kru:]       - ýêèïàæ         explore [iks’pl :] - èññëåäîâàòü
warm [w :m]       - òåïëûé         around [ ‘raund] - âîêðóã
breath [bre ]     - äûõàíèå        huge [‘hju:d ]      - ãðîìàäíûé
fresh [fre ]      - ñâåæèé         mix [miks]          - ñìåøèâàòü
pure [‘pju ]      - ÷èñòûé         receive [ri’si:v] - ïîëó÷àòü
blow [blou]       - äóòü           prove [pru:v]       - äîêàçûâàòü
across [ ‘kr s]   - âäîëü          surround [s ‘raund] - îêðóæàòü
stream [stri:m]   - ïîòîê          reason [‘ri:zn]     - ïðè÷èíà
salt [s :lt]      - ñîëü           chill [t il]        - õîëîäíûé
iron [‘ai n]      - æåëåçî         observe [ b’z :v] - íàáëþäàòü
tin [tin]         - îëîâî          vapour [‘vei p ] - ïàð, èñïàðåíèÿ
tota [toutl]      - èòîãî          freeze [‘fri:z]     - çàìåðçàòü
table [teibl]     - òàáëèöà        source [s :s]       - èñòî÷íèê
wave [‘weiv]      - âîëíà          touch [‘t t ]       - êàñàòüñÿ
rock [r k]        - ñêàëà          demand [di’ma:nd]          - ñïðîñ
ice [‘ais]        - ëåä            cientist [‘sai ntist]      - ó÷åíûé

nevertheless [,nev‘les]            -   òåì íå ìåíåå
In points of fact                  -   â ñàìîì äåëå
voyage [‘v id ]                    -   ìîðñêîå ïóòåøåñòâèå
research [ri’s :t ]                -   èññëåäîâàòü
establish [is’t bli ]              -   óñòàíàâëèâàòü
spread [spred]                     -   ðàñïðîñòðàíÿòü(ñÿ)
