III. Define the type of morphemic distribution according to which the given words
are grouped:
a) burned, burnt;
b) working, worker;
c) impossible, invisible, illegal, irregular;
d) ruthful, ruthless;
e) learning, learnt;
f) worked, played;
g) agreeable, invincible;
h) cells, caps;
i) formulas, formulae;
j) inexperienced, unexperienced.
IV. Give examples to illustrate different types of morphemes.
V. Comment on the terms:
Opposition, opposites, marker, marked member, zero-marker, free morpheme,
bound morpheme,
word-form, paradigm, syntagma.
Seminar 2
The Parts of Speech Problem. Grammatical Classes of Words
1. Блох М. Я. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка. (Ch. IV, p. 37
– 48)
2. Блох М. Я. Теоретические основы грамматики. (Ч. 2, гл. 1 – 3, с. 50 –
3. Хлебникова И. Б. Основы английской
морфологии. (Ch. II, p. 18 – 27)
4. Ilyish B. The Structure of Modern English. (Ch. II, p. 27 – 35)
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