Английский язык. Методические указания и контрольные задания №3. Тугарина В.П. - 9 стр.



3. It's no use (wait).
4. (write) English is easier than. (speak) English.
5. Please, go on (talk) to her.
VI. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос:
What will help man to cope with the growing amount of
I. Our present age is characterized by its growing complexity -
almost any statistical measure demonstrates such behaviour. The
densities of men and machines are higher, and yet we go farther
and faster away from each other. As a result, population density,
transportation speed, telecommunications volume, and
information - processing volume are growing exponentially.
There is no indication that this growth is turning оvеr; hence we
may expect the complexity of our existence to increase still
further. Man's attempt to cope with this increasing complexity
has been more through electronics, through complex computers,
transmission method and automation. It is becoming a
marvelous extension of man’s senses and mind. It provides the
essential instruments man needs to cope with the amount of
information he must process to control his complex world.
2. Early large - scale systems primarily were extensions of small
simpler systems. This led to a detailed specification of the
elemental components by the user. Very often these statements
of requirements without knowledge of the component
development possibilities led to unforseen compatibility and
interconnection difficulties when the components were
assembled into systems. The component designer has often
developed components only in terms of his own specialized
components of the future system application.
3. In the past microminiaturization in electronics has been largely
a practical enterprise guided by experiences, however, now
fundamental relation in this field are emerging. It should first be
made clear what the term “microelectronics” implies, since the
name appears in many forms – microminiaturization, integrated
electronics, microsystem electronics, etc., and since the term is in
itself somewhat misleading.
Microelectronics surrounds the entire body of the electronic art
which is connected with, or applied to, the realization of
electronic circuits, subsystems, or the entire systems from
extremely small electronic parts (devices)
б) Прочитайте текст еще раз. Выберите правильный
ответ, соответствующий содержанию текста:
1. Man’s attempts to cope with the increasing complexity has
been made through:
a) space research
b) biological investigation
c) electronics and automation
2. Microelectronics is connected with:
a) electronic circuits and subsystems
b) industrial enterprises
c) electronics
3. Microelectronics helps a man:
a) to explore the outer space
b) to develop industry
c) to control his complex world
VII. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык 1 и 2
абзацы текста
Вариант 4