Английский язык. Методические указания и контрольные задания №3. Тугарина В.П. - 11 стр.



1. The devices tested in the lab are reliable.
2. When invented the steam locomotive played an important
part in transportation.
3. Physics is a science dealing with phenomena of matter and
4. The plastic articles are difficult to repair when broken.
5. Being taken from the library the books must be returned in
6. While translating a foreign text we often use a dictionary.
7. Having locked the garage, he went into the house.
V. Завершите предложения, употребляя герундий
(Gerund). Переведите предложения на русский язык.
Образец: This book is worth (read) This book is worth reading.
Эту книгу стоит прочитать.
1. This proposal is worth (consider).
2. (Spend) money is easier than (make) money.
3. He thought of (leave) this job.
4. He likes (play) chess and hates do lessons.
5. My mother is fend of (garden).
VI. a) Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос:
What developments marked the beginning of the modern
era of composite materials?
I. Composite materials are among the oldest and newest of
structural materials. Men discovered early that when two or
materials are used together as one, the combination often
behaves better than each of the materials alone. Following this
principal they combined clay and straw to make bricks. Then
with some notable exceptions, the further potentialities of
composite materials remained virtually untapped for centuries
while monolithic materials, such as iron and copper, served the
major needs of an advancing technology. Even in the more recent
times with coming of reinforced concrete, linoleum,
plasterboard and
plywood panels were somewhat out of mainstream of materials
development and technology.
2. During this 1930’s and 1948’3, however, light-weight honey-
comb structures, machine parts from compressed metal powders
and plastic reinforced with glass fibers became commercial
realities. These developments marked the beginning of the
modern era of composite engineering materials. The use of
composite materials is steadily growing. The consumption of the
fibre reinforced plastics, for example, is increasing at the
phenomenal rate of 25 per cent annually.
3. There are two major reasons for the current interest in
composite materials, The first is simply the demand for materials
that will outperform the traditional monolithic materials. The
second, and the more important in the long run, is that composites
offer engineers the opportunity to design totally new materials
with the precise combination of properties needed for a specific
task and use them more sparingly because of their superior
б) Прочитайте текст еще раз. Выберите правильный
ответ, соответствующий содержанию текста:
1. Man discovered that composite materials served:
a) the needs of advanced technologies
b) man for centuries
c) to combine several materials
2. The development of compressed metal powders marked: