Методические указания по изучению грамматики английского языка. Васильева Г.В - 21 стр.


I. Переведите предложения, .обращая внимание на употребление
1. He cannot write with
this pen. It is very bad.
2. I spoke about it to some of my friends.
3. The documents were signed by the director.
4. He showed me the way to
the station.
5. My table is in the middle of the room.
6. The teachers explained a new rule to the students.
7. He has got a letter from her.
8. He spoke of
his work.
9. The teacher gave a list of books to the students.
10. The laboratories of our Institute are well equipped.
11. This article has been translated by
my friend.
12. A copy of these letters will be sent to Moscow.
to sign –
list – список
copy – копия
II. Поставьте, где нужно, предлоги, данные под чертой.
Предложения переведите.
Professor N., a well-known physicist, delivered a lecture ...
the students... the Penza University. He told ... the
students... the development ... nuclear physics. He gave ...
the students many examples ... contributions made ... the
scientists ... Russia. The professor spoke in detail ... the
development quantum physics. Students listened ... the
professor ... great attention.
about, by, to, with, of
deliver –
development –
nuclear –
contribution –
quantum –
    I. Переведите предложения, .обращая внимание на употребление

1.   He cannot write with this pen. It is very bad.              to sign –
2.   I spoke about it to some of my friends.                     подписывать
                                                                 list – список
3.   The documents were signed by the director.
                                                                 copy – копия
4.   He showed me the way to the station.
5.   My table is in the middle of the room.
6.   The teachers explained a new rule to the students.
7.   He has got a letter from her.
8.   He spoke of his work.
9.   The teacher gave a list of books to the students.
10. The laboratories of our Institute are well equipped.
11. This article has been translated by my friend.
12. A copy of these letters will be sent to Moscow.

     II. Поставьте, где нужно, предлоги, данные под чертой.
Предложения переведите.

Professor N., a well-known physicist, delivered a lecture ...   deliver –
the students... the Penza University. He told ... the           читать
students... the development ... nuclear physics. He gave ...    development –
the students many examples ... contributions made ... the       развитие
scientists ... Russia. The professor spoke in detail ... the    nuclear –
development quantum physics. Students listened ... the          ядерный
professor ... great attention.                                  contribution –
                                                                quantum –
about, by, to, with, of