Методические указания по изучению грамматики английского языка. Васильева Г.В - 23 стр.


1. The students of our group bring their dictionaries with
them. But my friend never brings his dictionary. So I
always give him my dictionary.
2. We know our time-table before the beginning of a new
academic year. As you do not know your time-table he
will show it to you. Please, copy it into your note-book.
3. Tell us about their reports at that conference.
4. Who wants to go for a walk? Not me.
5. Yesterday I bought a very interesting book. – What's its
6. Have you seen this substance in its pure form?
time-table –
copy –
buy (bought) –
price – цена;
pure – чистый;
form –
зд. вид.
Вместо подчеркнутых слов поставьте личное местоимение в
именительном или объектном падеже. Предложения переведите:
1. Professor N.
says that mathematics is an important subject for technical
2. These lines are short.
3. The length of the line is 1/2 of a metre.
4. This young m
an is a student of a technical college.
5. My sister studies at the computer technique faculty.
Замените личные местоимения данные в
соответствующими притяжательными местоимениями.
Предложения переведите.
1. I have some notebooks and pencils in (I) bag.
2. Those are (we) instruments.
3. (He) examples are always interesting.
4. That is a line, (it) length is 1/2 of a metre.
5. I help my sister in (she) work.
6. They finished (they) experiments.
7. Show me (you) translation.
1. The students of our group bring their dictionaries with     time-table –
   them. But my friend never brings his dictionary. So I       расписание;
   always give him my dictionary.                              copy –
2. We know our time-table before the beginning of a new        переписывать;
   academic year. As you do not know your time-table he        buy (bought) –
   will show it to you. Please, copy it into your note-book.   покупать;
3. Tell us about their reports at that conference.             price – цена;
                                                               pure – чистый;
4. Who wants to go for a walk? Not me.
                                                               form – зд. вид.
5. Yesterday I bought a very interesting book. – What's its
6. Have you seen this substance in its pure form?

     Вместо подчеркнутых слов поставьте личное местоимение в
именительном или объектном падеже. Предложения переведите:

1. Professor N. says that mathematics is an important subject for technical
2. These lines are short.
3. The length of the line is 1/2 of a metre.
4. This young man is a student of a technical college.
5. My sister studies at the computer technique faculty.

     Замените личные местоимения данные в скобках
соответствующими притяжательными местоимениями.
Предложения переведите.

1. I have some notebooks and pencils in (I) bag.
2. Those are (we) instruments.
3. (He) examples are always interesting.
4. That is a line, (it) length is 1/2 of a metre.
5. I help my sister in (she) work.
6. They finished (they) experiments.
7. Show me (you) translation.